
Westworld Telegraph

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Hey Guys, Here is my .02 on the story arc of s2

The theme for season 2 is presented by the first piano song, the Entertainer. The theme song of The Sting clues the audience in that this season is a long con. The marks are William (MiB) and Charlotte with Bernard and Sizemore acting as uninformed experts to cement the con. The grifter is of course Dr. Ford with the final twist mark being the audience.

The con on William is getting him to believe that their are now “real stakes” in the game and the con on Charlotte is that Delos secret goal is in jeopardy. The big con on the audience is that the host are conscious. Dr. Ford’s end goal, while not clear, likely has to do with removing the money men from the parks.

The real stakes that William so craves are fake. When he gets winged by a bullet s1e10 he is clearly in a storyline crafted by Ford which we saw him laying out s1e6. Given the number of hosts and William being in the open its reasonable to conclude that instead of bullets bouncing off real humans there is now some non lethal shot limiter. This is reinforced in s2e1 when William manages to hide behind a well from 2 armed hosts. For this to be true what you think are humans getting killed are actually host just like in the Clementine demo. A limiter is also exposed at the truck trap. First notice how Bernard keeps Charlotte safe but in viewing distance and then one guest is let go but the other is shot. (Things that make you go hmmmm). This is the final sell to Charlotte as she immediately begins to reveal Delos secrets to Bernard. By the end of the episode William is convinced the stakes are real and Charlotte thinks her secret goal is in trouble.

The hosts becoming conscious is a total con. We know Maive is running a narrative but many incorrectly assume that her escape to the mainland subroutine is about her escaping. Its not and she remains in her narrative with her kid as her cornerstone, and Hector acting as an agent to keep her on path. We also know the Deloris is on a narrative as there are numerous examples of the development of the Wyatt narrative she is running in s1. Teddy is her cornerstone and acts to keep her on the narrative.

Who is this game for? S2e1 shows us who by clearly showing who makes a Westworld costume change. William, Charlotte and Sizemore are all shown getting their Westworld costumes so they are the humans in the game.

The hosts are free, here, under my control

Steven S.

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1 Response

  1. Gene Lyons says:

    I was so excited about this simple but seemingly irrefutable theory: It’s all just a new narrative.

    But I think Episode 2 introduced some pretty hard-hitting backstories that lend credence to an uprising of some sort.

    Who’s to say it isn’t both? Realities can co-exist. For instance, I can say Kerri Gross is a loving person because she cares for injured animals. Roger could say she’s a hateful person because she loathes human contact. Both are true.

    The Man in Black could just be indulging in a narrative Ford wrote for him AND setting wheels into motion that cause host evolution. Or the whole thing (even Delos) could be part of a bigger fiction.

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