When A Targaryean Is Born The Gods Flip A Coin

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Danny was always heavy handed with her enemies but empathetic to the common people. In 7 seasons we’ve never seen her kill 1 innocent person, only slave masters, enemy soldiers, and traitors. She even said “I’m not here to be Queen of the ashes”
She was a complex character in the first 7 seasons & they turned her into a cliche “Mad Queen” b/c they didn’t know how to portray her as an ambitious woman once they ran out of source material from the books. We watched her grow into a fierce, ambitious, yet compassionate ruler for years, only to do a 180 flip in 3 episodes.
She even says she’s not going to stop the wheel she’s going to break the wheel.
She was raped by her brother, her whole family was killed, her husband & unborn child died because of a witch, she lost her army, Jorah betrayed her, Misandae was killed in front of her, 2 of her dragons died.. but the thing that pushes her over the edge is Jon breaking up w her?
If she wanted to rule with fear she had already accomplished her goal by conquering the city w a huge army & a full grown dragon. Instead, she kills everyone in the city so there is nobody left to fear her. Giving time for Cersei to escape and get killed by rocks.
When they said “when a Targaryean is born the Gods flip a coin and the realm holds their breath” they were symbolizing how for every evil Targaryean there’s a good one, she was good, but her brother was evil, and his older brother was good, but their dad was evil.. and so on …
I think this is an attempt by the writers to make it seem like they foreshadowed this all along when in reality they didn’t, she never represented the evil
Targaryean her brother and father did. She’s not destined to be the mad queen just because her father was. Another example of how d&d are reaching back into earlier seasons to justify the horse shit they’re giving us, just like the line about the eyes.
Anyways great show sorry for the negativity, thanks for your time!
Samer El-Amine
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