Why Does Tyrion Always Seem to Get Away Freely

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Is Tyrion the most deceptively self-serving character since the High Sparrow? Tyrion gets an undeserving redemption story, while Lord Vary’s gets roasted and Jon gets exiled. Ultimately you may say that he played ‘the game’ smarter than a Vary’s or Jon but I need someone else in the podcast community to acknowledge how much of a shitty self-serving bastard he is. He is loyal to Dany all throughout, enables her without firmly disagreeing with her like a Vary’s would. He gives her poor tactical advice causing her to suffer loss and disregards the final warnings of Varys. He only seems to be strong about his reservations and is only openly defiant after his family has finally died. For one, the show keeps trying to have us believe that he loves his sister when this is far from what we saw in earlier seasons. In fact, she hates him more than ever before. So why does he repeatedly try to save her? It can even be argued if it wasn’t for Tyrion freeing Jamie that he (Jamie) would still be alive. Let’s say Jamie and Cersei both survived the Kings Landing attack, Dany imprisoned them instead of killing them and forgives Tyrion for freeing his brother, would he throw down his pin, quit and plot her death? No! He would go on serving.

It’s only when his life is in immediate jeopardy he sees the sudden urge for Jon to murder Dany ‘immediately’ with the most desperate beg during the prison cell visit. For someone with no balls, Vary’s at least was able to take it like a man whereas Tyrion is squirming himself out of a situation again undeservedly. He doesn’t say let’s wait a week or a month. He wants Jon to act urgently only because his life depends on it. During the final trial, he doesn’t even put in one good word for Jon. The same Jon who plead with Dany to release Tyrion. He doesn’t even mention how Jon is really and truly the rightful king. How about I (Tyrion) take the black and let Jon be king or at least serve on the council. Tyrion is just as guilty as Jon. Disobeying his Queen by releasing Jamie, conspiring to have Dany killed (I wonder if that ever got mentioned or does Jon bear the full brunt of the blame).

To top it all off he comes into the trial as a prisoner and gets to influence the council on who should be king? wtf! Of course, he wouldn’t choose anybody that would have punished him (like a Yara). He conveniently chooses Bran because he has a ‘good story’ and his testicles don’t work. If those are the requirements for King then I might as well smash my balls and I am half qualified to rule a monarch. Speaking of a good story, who has a better story than Jon? Who has better qualities than Jon to rule? Bran sees things but is it of any use. That’s like having a high-speed internet but no device to use the internet. As his punishment, Tyrion gets appointed as the hand of the king. What did he do to justify that? His judgment at this point should be in question. Jon would be a better advisor. The story would be more impactful if Tyrion died in defiance paying for his mistakes and love for his family and principle. In the end, none of his terrible decisions are consequential.

Tyrion finally gives Bronn high garden to yet again save his life and in addition makes him Master of Coin. How is that breaking the wheel? A total contradiction to his entire speech to the council. Does Bronn strike you as the type whose concern is to alleviate poverty with the finances or is it to build better brothels? So have we moved on from Little Finger as the Master of Coin. NO! But it’s ok because it keeps Tyrion alive. Self-serving hypocrisy at it’s finest. Tyrion deserves to pay for his folly in his love for Cersei, blindness in not being able to see what Dany was early enough, cowardly for not being able to stand up to her before it was too late. Of all the characters Tyrion least deserved a redemption story.

Bobb Jenkins

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