Why Now?

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Hey guys!
Love the podcast! My sister and I both listen while were at work, and then get together for dinner to “debrief” on Tuesday nights. So thank you for being apart of our little tradition!

So one thing that I always bring up that we have not really found a good explanation for yet is… why now? Why is the Night King and the White Walkers emerging from where ever they have been all these years to come and eliminate mankind now? What was the catalyst for them to build up this army of the dead when they have been dormant for years?

Admittedly, I have not read ALL the books (so please go easy on me for any misinterpretation,or down right dumb statements I make) , but talking with people that have read the books and I of course listened to hundreds of video and podcasts over the years, I haven’t come across an explanation of what has spurred on the Night King. One video I watched mentioned that there was a treaty/pact with the Night King and the Children of the Forest. Do we know what that pact was? Did mankind do something to break this pact?

I really enjoy the politics and the progression of all the character arcs of the story. I can understand motivations and what is behind their decisions. What I have trouble though is with connecting with the “why” of the Night King and even the Children of the Forest because I just don’t have enough of their backstory.

So if anyone has any more information to share, please help a curious girl out 🙂

Thank you, and I hope everyone is ready to take next Monday as a bereavement day from work…

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