Why TMIB Is Terrible

Westworld Telegraph

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Hi guys.

I just found your podcast not too long ago and am excited to explore more. I liked your explanation as to why TMIB is such a repugnant person in the eyes of his wife and family.

A couple of other reasons that resonate with me are that 1) He effectively tortured and destroyed every member of the Delos family and took over the company. At the least Juliet knows that one trip to Westworld with William and Logan came back scrambled eggs, leading to his ultimate demise. He goes on to indirectly drive her to suicide, torture Host James and like it, and murder Emily.

2) Her sense that he’s inauthentic is maddening, destabilizing, and it’s as if she’s being gaslighted. He’s a murderous psycho with a carefully cultivated squeaky clean image in the “real” world. Emily believes this image and resents her mother’s unavailability, driving a wedge into their relationship. I think most people would agree that being duplicitous makes things worse than being like Logan, who while a jerk was consistent in his character and dealings.

3) Violent delights have violent ends. While the typical guest spends short time in WW, William seems to partake frequently or for extended periods of time. Add in his own mental instability and he’s like a addict that took one toke and went berserk. His focus, effort and interest are not towards his family, but towards the park from the beginning. He’s indulging his dark side and over time instead of a good guy who occasionally plays the villain in WW, he becomes an evil person who pretends to be good. He does good with his money but he himself is not good because….

4) William’s ultimate reason for wanting the guests to fight back is that he thoroughly enjoys torturing, raping, terrorizing and killing, and he wants to do this to “real” people. He doesn’t care about the consciousness or agency of the hosts; he simply wants the suffering he inflicts to be real because he gets off on it.



P.S. I know someone else must’ve mentioned you missed a slam dunk on spare Teddy….TEDDY SPARE!!

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