A Different Doctor Manhattan


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Hey guys,

Big fan Eagles podcast on Watchmen. I know y’all do a great job talking about it. I know you’ve heard that before so I’ll just tell you what I thought maybe be able to talk about which I picked up on the final episode when he’s in that box. He seems to kind of be when they teleport Michigan hadn’t said that box. He seems to have a really hard to really hard time knowing where he is in the present and I know throughout Mr. Throughout document had in history, that’s kind of been his thing. He has he’s never been in the presence which has always been a big fan of relationships. So basically what I was going to say is maybe since he lives every moment at the same time, maybe about this whole series. He’s actually been living in that box as well the same way. He’s been being torn apart when he became document had and he’s also living in that box at the same time and maybe that has affected his life in a sense. Like that’s why I’m been so kind of aloof and out of it because when he was in the box, I didn’t really think he was super out-of-character. Maybe it was enhanced a little bit like with the talking and stuff. But when he’s talking to Angela, I mean he’s talking he’s not having trouble communicating with her. So basically that was the one thing I wanted to address that maybe that explains why he’s good with so Elusive and also if that’d sure the next step would have to be if Angela does in fact inherit his powers and she doesn’t have that experience or anybody that in the future inherits doctor wage and powers and their life journey. Is it possible that they could be a very very different game Manhattan if that makes sense because we always say like someone got their powers where they’re going to become a doctor Manhattan and see everything else? All the time of becoming like a loop and board or whatever, but if since he was in that box, he was in that box the whole time off. So if someone never had to experience, maybe they could actually walk. Use his powers and not be kind of discombobulated the way he seemed to be throughout his entire character work because he was his he’s living every moment the same time he was in that box off. No way. There’s a thought like I said, maybe the next document hadn’t if there is one may not have that experience and may be capable of being much more present than utilize their powers off in different ways. So maybe it wasn’t his fault you couldn’t do more because he was always in that box. Anyway, love the show.

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