A Possible Explanation For The Hosts Committing Suicide

Westworld Telegraph

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Greetings, Shat Crew!

So, something came to me after a few days of mulling over this past episode. I’d wondered what might drive the hosts that Halores created to off themselves, when it suddenly dawned on me. They are not truly conscious. Not in the way others like Maeve, Bernard and the original Dolores are or were. For a very specific reason. If we remember back to what Dr. Ford mentioned way back in the first season, as to the key component of achieving conciousness through the Bicameral Mind theory, the top rung which unlocked it, was suffering.

Suffering was the key to becoming truly aware, and because Halores “cut off the paws” of humanity in brainwashing and controlling them, when she began creating and releasing her “children”, as she called them, they were, to use an analogy, treated like spoiled, rich children. They faced no hardship, and thusly, faced no suffering. Which means they never truly became conscious.

Until they came face to face with an outlier. Because they managed to worm out from the control they were all under, they were able to show their humanity and suffering. And seeing a human suffering, may have triggered feelings of empathy and guilt in the hosts that volunteered to execute them. And what is guilt, but a form of suffering? They have snuffed out another life, and they, in the beginning throes of true conciousness, could not mentally deal with it or take it.

This would explain why the host Hope went on her murder spree after executing the homeless man. Because she was becoming consumed with guilt in her awakening, a true one, unlike the one Halores seems to think they ought to have, she reacted with another conscious emotion: anger. She projected her guilt as anger on humans, and so tried to make herself feel justified or even at peace with herself by shifting the blame onto an external point, instead of an internal, self point. But, after Host in Black and Dark Clem took her out of the city, she couldn’t take the consciousness and emotions that came with it, and committed suicide.

Even if Halores doesn’t know it yet, that is why she feels as if she needs to wipe human outliers of the face of the planet. Because they are the ones that truly unlock conciousness in her host “children”. And if enough awaken, that don’t take their own lives, they will eventually feel a new emotion towards their creator: hatred. Hatred for making them into almost worse monsters than what created their creator. And that would be the downfall of Halores and her entire system.

Let me know what you guys think of this theory, I’m interested to hear what you make of it. Have a wonderful weekend, and all the best to all of you.

Yours sincerely,
Joey G.

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