American Gods Podcast Format

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Good to be back with the ShatNation after the hiatus.

I have not read the book, so I’m in Big D’s camp, and I have some concerns about how you are going to pull off this podcast without spoilers.

After viewing episode 1, I wasn’t sure which God Mr. Wednesday was, but during the podcast one “if I told you he had a fake eye” utterance and it’s now pretty clear to me he is ________. 😉

Not a big reveal, but perhaps indicative of how the podcast may be dangerous for people concerned about spoilers.

It’s going to be tough because unlike Westworld where we were all trying to figure it out together, now if I email in with my theories about what the tree (tree of life?) and bone orchard (fallen gods?) represent, there are 2 of you who already know the answers.

…and even if you attempt to have a conversation about my theory, what you decide to say or not say all provides insights into the truth.

The puzzle box aspect isn’t an issue for Gene and Roger so what is interesting for them about the show? How well it’s adapted? The changes from the book? The acting and production?

For Westworld you had three podcasts. Perhaps for AG you need three as well. The initial reaction (perhaps a bit deeper than WW’s) which would be focused on Big D and the new comers. Then a deep dive where spoilers are game, and differences between books and show are talked about. Then a 3rd for emails (not sure about spoilers here).

Hmmmm…my 2 cents

Good luck! -Richard the Third

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