Bernard Being a Host Is a Very Disappointing Turn For the Show

Westworld Telegraph

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Bernard being a host is a very disappointing turn for the show. It makes the story incoherent.

Bernard has been working at Westworld for many years. So other people would have noticed that he didn’t age. The story could have accounted for this by having Ford say something about the necessity of an occasional rebuild to account for aging. But the fact that they leave this obvious hole unaddressed severely undermines the story, and damages any possibility of continued suspension of disbelief. Storytelling that is so shabby shows no respect for the superb performances of the cast.

Other problems:

  1. What happens when Theresa fails to show up for work? In our current world, the police would be sure to solve this murder; in a future world in which forensic techniques have presumably advanced, the authorities would be able to make short work of this case.Maybe Ford means to replace Theresa with a host copy? Great. What happens when this host goes home, and it doesn’t know things that the real Theresa would know, such as personal matters not related to her job? (What should happen in that event is that the whole scheme should collapse and Theresa’s murder should be revealed, which is why such a scheme would not be enacted by someone as smart as Ford.)
  2. Maeve wants to escape the park. Jolly good. But what happens once she’s out in the real world? She’d have no birth certificate, no Social Security number, and no credentials; she’d therefore be unemployable, and would have to survive by stealing or — wait for it — by being a prostitute.And when she inevitably gets damaged, there will be no one to repair her. So, there is no possible scenario by which escaping the park can work out for her in the long run. For a supposedly super-intelligent host not to realize this is just absurd. It amounts to advancing the story by means of abandoning internal consistency.

I’m far too invested in the performances to give up on the show now. But, on account of these nonsensical story developments, I can say that the writing has lost my respect, and that this is the episode in which the show has jumped the shark.

Ferdinand Cesarano
New York

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