Bernard Vs Rehoboam

Westworld Telegraph

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Hey Guys,

Rehoboam and the Sublime aren’t getting to the same conclusion using the same methods. Rehoboam was almost like a self fulfilling prophecy and that’s the only way that it could possibly work.

I think a lot of people are looking at what Bernard did and the Sublime and are making parallels with Dr. Strange but there’s a big difference. Dr Strange SAW multiple futures, Rehoboam (through data) PREDICTED multiple futures but Bernard LIVED multiple futures.

Lets pretend chess is real life. The way Rehoboam works is pretty much by feeding him data and he’ll try to predict a match by making calculations, variables, and everything that could possibly go wrong. Bernard on the other hand, PLAYED a billion chess matches and because he’s a machine he has instant access to every single move that needs to happen for the game to go the way he wants.

The “moral” difference between what Rehoboam and Bernard are doing is that Bernard lived in a (simulated) world where things happened in a specific way, without being affected by him, that led to the outcome he wants. He’s changing small stuff like what Stubbs will eat because he knows it’s the small choices that ends up leading to big events. Rehoboam always looked for the shortcuts, it always tried to rig the game. Yea, Bernard killed those guys but they were bad hosts, he knows the right way to get to the outcome he wants, Rehoboam was paving his own way through any means necessary.

It’s kinda like real life machine learning. I’m not a programmer myself but my best friend is a hotshot programmer in the country I live and I asked him about it. When you feed a machine data, you’re making a controlled model, there’s a limit to how it can process and predict data (Rehoboam), but if you put a machine through thousands, hundreds of thousands of repetitions (simulations) and tell it the rules and the goal it will eventually reach that goal by itself through trial and error, and when it reaches the goal, it’ll try to optimize the route to the best of it’s ability (Bernard). I’m sure a programmer can explain it better and even correct me if I made a mistake.

It takes WAY longer to run a ridiculous amounts of simulations, hence why Bernard was covered in dust, and time was something Serac/Rehoboam didn’t have.

Victor V

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