Category: American Gods Confessional
Hey guys, After listening your latest episode, I had to subscribe. While I really enjoy your observations, I’m surprised at your experience with Season 1. I absolutely loved it and literally had to slow myself down because I wanted to savor each episode. I’m wondering, though, if that’s because I...
Hello my lovelies, it’s nice to be back. I’ll remember to write you after episode 2, but a couple quick things (so you know someone’s listening). I rewatched Season 1, and I think binging instead of weekly helped address some of the issues we had previously. Some of the “what...
Good lord. Well, gentleman, we are in the second season for better or for worse. I am not sure how you felt about the first episode, but I wanted to offer a few thoughts. I will keep this brief, since you are only doing one episode per week this time...
Hello hosts, Do you plan on doing a “preview” podcast for Season 2 of American Gods? Considering the variety of opinions you all had, I thought it would be particularly interesting to hear all of your thoughts about the many changes that have occurred since the first season – Bryan...
“Love always has you at a disadvantage.” “Death has me at a disadvantage.” And I was smitten! I gotta admit, guys, the first 45 minutes of this episode, I thought, “Oh god—Is Laura friggin’ Moon a main character now? With an entire episode being devoted to her, she probably has...
Fellas, Gotta call a time out for a sec. The way you guys nitpicked this episode had me somewhat confused and (based on my “know the source material” bias) a little angry. First If you don’t know the source material, at least know the source. I had never read any...
I just wanted to write in to say that I enjoyed this episode. It wasn’t perfect and I agree with some of the complaints that were mentioned in the Deep Dive episode, but it worked for me because it accomplished two of the main things that I had hoped would...
I just discovered your podcast while I was searching for opinions on the American Gods show. A small back history; I have read the book (many times) and listened to the full cast audio book. I really love this story and most of Neil Gaiman’s work. I was very excited...