Crisis Theory Simulation Theory

Westworld Telegraph

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Okay guys greetings from Tampa again.

So my theory goes that William is still in a simulation and the whole Stubbs and Bernard are also in that simulation but from a different standpoint you could say that started when either William got pricked by Charlores or when they took his blood and put it in the system and the system glitches. Let’s start with Stubbs and Bernard (or is Bernard and Stubbs) there are a lot of things that are off about them.

First, why are they driving some 1960’s muscle car when everyone else is being driven in futuristic boxes with wheels? Second, we see when William is in the simulated reality General Craddock (a host from Westworld) and also the different versions of himself (Man in Black…who in the post credit scene kills him, as well as different younger versions of himself) then in this episode we see Lawrence (who was William’s sidekick for a time in previous seasons). Lawrence seems a bit weird because he is now in the SFPD (why is he in Victorville some 420 miles away) just so he can tell Bernard to go see “her” (who he thought was Delores but ended up being his ex-wife) Third, the time when William is drinking the $20k scotch (or whiskey) and the guy he was talking to was not noticing the blood on his clothing.

Lastly, when he goes to Dubai everything is just peachy where as San Fran and LA? Are a mess like Fight Club style (which by the way I will call back to my last email about how William had to kill his otherselves so that he could become the “Good William”). Well that about wraps it up, I think that it’s a simulation which ends in the future where William does the fidelity test with his daughter.

Dakota A Clabaugh

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