Does Anyone Feel as I Do?

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I love The Song of Ice and Fire, and have watched since episode 1, having also read the books. But last season, I found myself becoming angry at the writing, especially Sansa’s story arc. I do not feel that we have been given a satisfactory reason that she would watch one brother die, and another almost die, and say nothing about an army she had in waiting.

Fast forward to this season and Dany’s arrival! Are we to believe that Varys met with Olena and the Dornish, and Dany set sail for Westeros, and a strategy wasn’t hashed out beforehand? Moves weren’t made beforehand? Now, to save innocent blood, they concoct a plan that requires absolute perfection in implementation in order to be successful. It’s absurd!

It all seems shoehorned to give Dany a fight, and Cersie more respect than she deserves. Of all people, Tyrion should know that she shouldn’t be given time. I understand that he wants Dany to be viewed as a merciful ruler, but damn, the Sept was just charred; so I am guessing that the people are clamoring for a new leader. Another, more direct strategy should be in order.

They completely forget about Euron. The dragons don’t escort the ships, and are we to believe that Randall would side with the queen that just roasted the entire Tyrell family? He wouldn’t. It’s like convincing Scottie Pippen that he could be the “main man” on another team. Except it would matter B/C MJ would crush him. He is already fighting on the side that has the majority of Westerosi support.

I’m just worried that this is what we are gonna get from here on out, a more generic, shoehorned story that gives screentime to our favorite characters, or a resolution that is popular….And don’t get me started on Sansa lol!

Keep up the great work!!!

Sean Stewart

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