Why Is Dr. Ford Recreating the Incident?

Westworld Telegraph

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Hi guys,
Excellent podcast on episode 9, as always.

I have a question which I hope will be revealed next week (and not in 2018). Here’s what I think we know, that brings me to the question:

Putting the pieces together, we now know that the incident which occurred 30 years ago happened in Escelante, where probably Teddy & Dolores killed many hosts, killed Arnold, and caused havoc. The town was buried after that, maybe in order to avoid hosts remembering or just in order to “clean up”. The maze still somehow leads hosts to Escelante, but as long as it is buried nothing happened.

What we see now, is Ford setting everything to recreate or get back to that incident: – The town has been excavated by Ford to support his new narrative -> – The Wyatt narrative which is based on the incident, and leads Teddy w. MiB towards Escelante. It also makes Teddy remember what actually happened. – Dolores follows the maze (or memory lane) and can now reach the excavated church and recall what she did

So, I believe that Ford is trying to recreate “the incident”, or at least make the relevant hosts – Dolores, Teddy – recall it.

My question is – WHY?
I believe it has something to do with his alleged cold war against Delos, but I still don’t see what’s his goal here. – Maybe he’s had enough and he wants a hosts uprising.
– Maybe he’d rather destroy everything than have Delos obtain the data – Or maybe it’s just another loop, a 30-years-old one, where we are bound to have another incident – Ford being killed by Dolores? – and then restart.

These are my thoughts/questions, would love to hear your take on it.


Tom M., Tel Aviv, Israel

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