Game of Thrones Episode 1!!!!

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Dear Shat,

First off, King Bee and Big D, I want to commend you both for doing a spectacular job on the instant take. I imagine it was difficult, and yet you both did a fantastic job. So thank you for that and thanks for the coverage of this awesome show, I enjoyed listening and I will always enjoy it. Now to the show itself.
This season, i’ve been fearful that expectations (*my own included*) for the show are so high that there’s just no way this show could meet them. This show has developed into a juggernaut before our eyes, and eventually things get so big they can no longer live up to the title. We are so lucky to witness this really is not the case with the show. That it continues to be great, and executed at a high level. I love that it’s back, and love what they showed us in episode 1. Beyond the war, we have life, what’s the reason the humans should live, and the walkers should die, again? Well we see it unfolded in episode 1, strong character bonds, family, love, friendship, even in this universe all these things are so precious. I want to single out a small conversation that Tyrion, Varys, and Davos have upon seeing Jon and Danerys together in love. What they say is basically, that because they are old they are kept far enough away from john and danerys as to not remind them that nothing good lasts in this world. I agree with that sentiment, but would like to offer a deeper take. I think that not only are they old, but they are a reminder of the world that did all these things to them. Whether they like it or not, all 3 of the gentleman have been a part of the old guard, and the “old ways” of doing things. Davos as good as he is, was a part of Stannis council, and was a party to a few really terrible things, whether or not he agreed with it, he was there. Tyrion, was a party to a lot of really nasty things, that ultimately Joffrey did, or his father, but still he was there and a part of it. Lastly Varys, served the Mad king, was present and in a position of power throughout the beheading of Ned Stark among various other wrongs. They and many would argue that they can only correct things from a position of power, but in most instances, they could and should be held responsible for some of these wrongs. It’s that reminder of the old guard, that keeps them apart from john and danerys. They were a part of the wheel that needs to be broken.
Anyways, lastly, just to comment on the dragon riding sequence. I too, was cringing at it. I’ll just say that some of the things we are seeing might be a little awkward (*such as this scene*), or feel off and we need to give the creators the benefit of the doubt. Whether it’s the dragon riding, or Theon saving Yara quickly without any premise. They don’t have time to play out lesser things. As for Jon riding the dragon, i’m assuming that since they have 2 dragons, and the night king has only 1, then that’s an advantage the living has against the dead. Instead of just happening during the war at the last second Hero Jon jumps on a dragon to save Danerys, or whatever, we need to at least first establish he can ride one and has. So as cringe as it is, they needed it to be this way in order to develop that ability for Jon. It’s going to feel much better in the whole than it does singularly right now. Just like at the season 7 finale, It felt off that Theon turns and becomes something else. I think big d even said he’d rather have had theon just die and go away. So instead of one or three other, they did it this way and devoted about 90 seconds to Theon saving Yara. Which feels much better now than it did at the finale. I think a lot of things that play out will be like this episode to episode, where we will go back and see it wasn’t that bad of a sequence because it’s leading to something better. This show does deserve the slack because they usually do things pretty correctly in the long term. No show is exempt from missteps, but Game Of Thrones has shown more than any show in recent memory to be able to correct things and also cancel out bad scenes. They have not a whole lot of time left in the season, and I for one thought this episode was tremendous in that we needed to establish the characters, and people they haven’t interacted with in several years. It was a good balance in this episode, and it seems people don’t know this show if they think it’s action all the time.

Most of the best scenes from this show come from candid off the cuff moments where nothing is happening and comes out of nowhere.

Like the hound and Arya chicken scene. Easily will go down as a top moment in this show.

LOYAL SHATTER and man of the watch, Kenny p (*Duccomun*)
Starting my Oysters Clams and Cockells business this summer.
Heard Big D really loves the Cockells…..

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