GOT Prophecies

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Hey Guys,

Kal from Minnesota, Again. I just had some ideas I wanted to share. Also, I’m not good with spelling names, so just deal.
I’ve been hearing a lot of complaints about Aria killing the knight king and how it conflicts with the whole Azorahi, Prince that was promised stuff. Now I know this was in the show(Azorahi), but I honestly don’t remember when it was brought up, by whom, or why. I just don’t care. At its heart, the show was about Power struggles between these houses, not about prophecies. Also the fact that Aria did Kill the Knight King means she most likely will die within the next three episodes. Out of all the characters, she’s the closest to coming full circle. From strong spirited but helpless child, too Badass Knight Kingslayer. Everyone else still has shit to work out, so I’m worried for Aria.

I wanted to address some of the comments about the knight king, and why he didn’t just starve them out. He’s waited thousands of years. He doesn’t want to watch them slowly waste away while comforting each other. He wants to fucking annihilate their existence. He wants to steamroll over these fuckers and consume them like an unstoppable flood. And not just their bodies, but their whole history. I don’t think people realize how special Bran is, mainly because we have no one like this in our world, but just ponder on the implications of a person being able to access all of human history. We just rely on records from our past and trust they were accurate, just imagine what it would mean to have that and to lose it. were talking Dust off and Nuke the whole thing from Orbit, the only way to be sure.

So yeah, I think the Knight King is Arrogant as fuck and all his actions made total sense. By the way, you know that the scene where the Knight King is starring down Bran is happening in slow motion, right? And oh my god, Aria appeared out of nowhere, yeah she’s a ninja assassin, they do that. Batman gets away with it all the time. Not sure you guys complained about this specifically but I’ve been hearing it a lot.

Sorry, sorry, I’m done, but I just had to get that off my chest. These first world problems aren’t getting any easier.

Kalmon Rosenblatt

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