GOT Question / Food For Thought

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‹Hello Gentlemen!

Love the show. Big D, I am thinking of you and your wife and think it was very brave of you to share that personal information with your fans. I know it must be tough but I’m sure your wife really appreciates having a great husband and partner.

Now down to business. I would love to pick your brains on something I have been thinking about. I assume that Lyanna whispering that Jon’s name was Aegon Targar‹yen in the Tower of Joy made Ned realize that Lyanna was a willing participant and that Rhaegar had not kidnapped Lyanna as Robert thought (at that moment if not before). Do you guys have any thoughts on whether Ned suspected or knew this before that moment? How do you think this knowledge affected Ned’s actions once he learned this information? It doesn’t seem very Ned-like to allow this huge lie to fester, although if he was allowing the lie to fester in order to protect his nephew, perhaps it was justified in his mind? This information likely would have bruised Robert’s pride to say the least so part of me gets why Ned would not want to tell Robert that Lyanna just wasn’t that into him. Yet that doesn’t seem like a reason Ned would rely on.

Maybe it is just as simple as his promise to protect Jon trumped all other honor or truth telling. However, I would assume this information (which no one else knew) would have affected Ned’s decisions or life views in some ways. He obviously had independent reasons to hate the Targaryens (or at least the Mad King) separate and apart from the Rhaegar/Lyanna situation, but Ned was so diplomatic and fair I don’t think he would have held the Mad King’s actions against the entire family, especially if his sister had been in love with a member of said family. In retrospect are there any actions or decisions taken by Ned that you think were affected by this information? Would love your thoughts and thanks so much for all of your hard work and thoughtful commentary.


Amy from Chicago, Illinois

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