GOT Rewrite Episode 3 “Knight King attacks the Citadel”

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Hey Guys,

Kevin Gabriel here and I have taken up the challenge to Rewrite the Last season of Game of Thrones. I have some issue with season 6 and 7, but the task is to develop a different take on Season 8 of ASOIAF. I will extend the season to 8 Episodes. I will leave the first two episodes as they are, with the exception of EPISODE 2.


I will show the Knight King seeing Bran looking at him via the crows flying over. That leads to the knight king to split his forces to a larger 100,000 wights and sending them to Kings landing. The other 50,000 wights head to the river lands and the south.

The night king lands Vicerion and commands about 150 Wights to climb Vicerion. Climb his back, his legs, his neck, the wights basically latch on wherever they can to ride as an advanced force to attack the south. But unlike most armies, the army of the dead can add numbers and it moves. Where the opposite is true for other armies in history. Every time the army of the dead fights it adds more and more soldiers.

The knight Kings flies south with this small number of wights on Vicerion and proceeds to drop them off at different points to attack the general population and swell the army of the dead all over Westeros. This action sends the Riverlands into an absolute panic.


The battle of the wights, as opposed to the Battle of Winterfell only. People are battling the army of the dead all over. The main two battles are taking place at not only Winterfell, but the knight king is also attacking the Citadel. Bran tells the brain trust at Winterfell that the Knight King is trying to erase the likes of men and their memories. Bran is one level of the history of men, but also the Order of the Maceters is another type of scientific type of recording memory.

This dual attack by the knight Kings leads Jon, Danerys, Tyrion, and Varys to demand that Bran has to fly all over Westeros to give a picture of the battlefield. It shocks everyone when the knight king attacks the Citadel. Cersei gets word of the attack of the Citadel from Qyburn and she realizes that she made a mistake not supporting the north to fight the army of the dead. Qyburn advises her to send her troops to defend the Citadel. Qyburn has to ask Sam how to fight the wights. Sam replies back with the answer of dragon glass. But the south has none of this, so they feel like they are fighting an unwinnable fight against the undead. Qyburn did experiment with fire and wildfire when he first saw the wight in the dragon pit at King’s landing. Qyburn has his forces set up fire trenches around the Kings Landing and the Citadel. They also take Scorpion blots to defend the Citadel, along with the Iron Fleet. Carrying tar and wildfire. Several red priestesses of Ashia arrive at the Citadel and inform the Maceters that they have been guided by the Lord of light and Milisandra that is one of the places that needs to be defended against the long night.

The scenes switch back to Winterfell and the wights arrive at Winterfell. The horn blows everyone to get ready. Milasandra arrives, lights up the Dothraki swords. Danerys sends Jon to light up the field and pre-attack the wights so they can be seen better. The Dothraki attack and put up a fight for about 5-10 minutes of action. They are not vanquished right away but they are pushed back and have to retreat. While Jon continues to burn many of the wights the unsullied swoop in from the flanks to take out many of the wights. Eventually, they are beaten back and have to retreat. The scene goes back to the citadel as the Maceters try to barricade the entrances to the citadel. We see the Knight King attacking the Citadel with Vicerion and the Lannister forces trying to fight with fire and tar. We switch back to Winterfell and the Unsullied are still attacking the wights. Jon spots the Wight generals and he tries to attack them, but they bring the storm of winter and near zero visibility. The Unsullied are forced to retreat behind the fire trench set up around Winterfell. They try to signal Jon to light the trench but he can’t see them. Milasandra comes out the trench to light it with a spell but the spell is not working and wights are getting through the lines and she looks worried she will not be able to get the job done. We reach the end of Epidose 3.

Kevin Gabriel

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