Greetings From Mexico

Westworld Telegraph

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Hey guys,

I’ve been following you since Westworld’s season 1 cause you’re the most deep, informed and serious (yes, I said serious) podcast on the subject, also I realized something that might sound bad at first glance, but please just bear with me and read on.

Since years ago I have frequent episodes of insomnia but when I start listening to you it just takes me from 5 to 10 minutes to fall asleep sooo deeply, there’s something really soothing in your voices that I cannot keep my eyes open, the problem is that I trully am interested in what you’re saying, so the next day or night I have to find the last minute I can remember and start from that point until I reach the end (consciously).

And lately my insomnia has worsened due to my grandma’s slow decay, she’s almost 95 and I know she’ll be gone sometime soon. As the guy who last week thanked you for helping him cope with the loss of his mother, I also thank the tv show and your thorough analysis of it ’cause now I think I’ am more capable to cope with what will be my first huge loss since she is really important to me, but when I see her lying on a bed, a sack of bones that can barely move, a mind that glitches and speaks nonsense and refers to her mother in present time when she’s been dead for almost 40 years, sunken eyes that sometimes don’t even recognize me, I totally understand Dolores’ feelings on her father and start to rethink my concept of human “being” cause the consciousness that constituted my grandma is already gone, the bedtime stories and the tales of her youth exist now only in my memory.

My only wish now is that she doesn’t run the pain program but just go into a deep and dreamless slumber, cause as a non-believer I can only rely on the idea that somewhere in cosmos there’s a CR4-DL holding a backup of her life where we’ll continue to laugh and play together endlessly.

So please keep your great work going on ’cause as you can see it goes beyond analyzing “just a tv show”.


Aza Rodríguez

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