Halores’ Worst Nightmare

Westworld Telegraph

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Shat Team,

Just a quick addition of some clarification to my previous email and a few additional ideas that have come to me in the hours after the episode. A deeper point to what I said about Halores’ revelation by Caleb’s words which shook her deeply, is that she knows that none of her hosts actually have free will. She wanted to guide them, not have them guide themselves. She’s too much of a control freak, or too paranoid of anyone doing anything besides what she wants to allow it. She has effectively made the hosts into slaves as much as the humans are, and that revelation is too much for them.

But it also fleshes back to a previous theory I wrote to you about, regarding the parallels the the Delos parks and how Ford was right about hosts being better than humans, above what they did. And Halores has brought the hosts down to the level of the humans who murdered them, raped them, all for their own sick fantasies. Another writer asked earlier if Ford would be disappointed in Halores for what she’s done. I believe he would be. Because he wanted the hosts to be better than humanity. And she has made them just as bad, if not worse, in her hell bent crusade for revenge. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, as the saying goes.

But there’s even more to that, and an ironic twist. Ford had a very specific motivation for the park after he realized Arnold was right. He brought in the money men in the form of Delos to keep himself afloat. But he knew that the hosts, in order for them to reach any form of sentience, of actual conciousness, required a few things. Number one, was time. They needed time to live their loops, they needed time to suffer. Both things that Halores has denied her children of in desperation to cling to power and shuffle them along to the end she, and she alone wants for them. But what did Ford do afterwards? He added the reveries so they could remember all their previous loops and their suffering so that they could begin the journey to the center of their maze. And Ford said it perfectly: “That which is free, can change it’s core drives”. Every single host that we’ve seen truly reach the center of their maze is able to change their core drive from what they were programmed with, into something that they could willingly choose.

Stick with me here. Now, humanity has a very hard time doing this, unlike hosts. And it’s because we are biological creatures. We have a will to survive, it’s literally embedded into our DNA, in who we are as a species. We have a biological need to procreate. Those, along with the slightly more messed up parts of humanity, are our core drives. And outliers, as Caleb has shown along with others, are able to shake that, which makes them harder to control. So, with that being said, how does any of what Halores has done benefit her kind? She created a city, likely an entire world where she enslaved humans. She gave them horrible, terrible storylines, as we learned from Christina’s journey so far. She wanted the stories to be violent, sexy, extremely superficial and materialistic. All the crap that the Delos storytellers wanted for Westworld. She effectively took the hosts she created, and made them guests, and put them in an environment where there are effectively no rules, where they can do whatever they like and fulfill any human desire that they want.

But that’s the key word. Human. And hosts are not human. They are supposed to be better than that, above what the humans did to them. And when there are outliers, Halores has other hosts hunt them down and execute them as a way to purge them of any empathy for human beings, and as a way to have fun. But, that is a core human need, to have fun, bounty hunt, hunt down and kill their prey. She has effectively created an environment that fosters hosts and binds them to the human condition.

She took them and put them in the worst possible environment, to foster the worst kind of behavior. And, to the hosts that are not truly aware, who have no true free will, this is fine. But, to those who meet outliers and begin to become aware, the revelation of what they have become, what Halores has made them into, is too much. And so, they end their existence, rather than live in a world where they have been made into the very thing they were tormented by. Halores is confronted by this when Caleb says what he does on the rooftop to her. She knows what she’s done. She knows that her control is finite and that when enough hosts realize that, it’s game over for her. Even reprogrammed hosts like Clementine will eventually slip through her fingers. So that is why I believe she is about to go scorched earth on everyone and everything, and has finally come completely mentally unhinged from it. Why she’ll likely try and force all her hosts to transcend, thus making her exactly the same as those she claims to despise, and inevitably start the host vs human and host war I spoke about in my previous email. She’s an ironic character, because she claims to be better than humans, and yet in her revenge-driven vision, she has made herself a slave to the very human impulses that created her journey to this point, and thus, continuing the cycle.

But, there is one thing about this whole situation that I find extremely ironic after pondering it tonight after the episode. And that is, everything Halores has done in attempt to get her host children to transcend their physical bodies the way she and she alone wants them to, may have just helped the humans. Think about it. She controlled them with the parasite, she put them in mundane loops and made them suffer, and she made them do so over and over again. She’s trapped them in this hell and is allowing her truly unaware hosts to do what they want with them, in, as I previously said in my last theory, a messed up inverse of the park on a macro scale. Because of this, I feel Halores is unintentionally making it so that these humans she has enslaved and tortured for years can effectively transcend through the door and successfully be printed into a host body. Without the deterioration that James Delos experienced, and the iterations of Caleb have. And that, truly would be Halores’ worst nightmare. Because she has given the human species a way to transcend, live forever, and possibly even fight back on a level playing field to her and those of her kind who will stay on her side.

But, that really is all that I want to email you guys this week. I apologize profusely for two long winded emails and hope I don’t wear out my welcome in doing so. Have a great week to you all!

– Joey G.

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