Westworld’s Player Piano

Westworld Telegraph

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Just wanted to give my two cents on your player piano conversation. You have to look at it like this, if this was western times right now, but you still had current music, which songs would be played in the saloon? To me, they just seem like songs that would be good for a saloon/gambling house.

Also, at first I was thinking that maybe the songs were trying to show you the timelines. The problem with that is that House of the rising son came out 42 years before Back to black.Also, Maive has only been in the saloon for a year, so that wouldnt make sense either.

Anyway, Im loving yall’s podcasts. keep it up.

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1 Response

  1. uhoh007 says:

    The player piano is so awesome, and the DNA..I had totally missed that. Speaking of the soundtrack in general, each location has it’s “mood”, more by the instruments than the pieces, to my ear. Synthesizers in the exam room etc. But the House of the Rising Sun, which I’ve played 1000 times myself on the piano, just sent chills when it came up on the Player. To me it signified a whole new game: Maeve like they said in the Brexit campaign, is gonna “take back control”. Of course, like brexit, the long term outcome is questionable LOL

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