Immortality And Terminal Illness

Westworld Telegraph

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Hey Guys,

Coming to you from England! There’s a few of us now listening to your show from across the pond!

Few thoughts

Was listening to your deep dive and heard you talking about the theory that Jim Delos was maybe sold the concept of immortality. Given the dropped detail of him being terminally ill I think this is likely. Terminal illness I feel is a feature of the show. The drive Arnold got to bring “life” to Dolores came about after Arnold found out his son was terminally ill. We now know Jim Delos was terminally and I suspect William in the present day timeline is also terminally ill. Do you think his quest for the hidden level of the park could be driven by this if he knows he is on a limited time span. Or maybe he thinks he can obtain it himself? I remember Dolores last season telling William how the years had taken their toll on him and one day he would be dust.

This could also be why Logan becomes so disillusioned by what he sees coming. If humans can upload to perfect, repairable machine body what does that mean for the future of humanity?

Couple of final thoughts – did you notice the camera focus on Dolore’s frozen face a couple of times during the scene where Jim visits the park? I think we are being shown that the hosts record everything even when they are frozen. Now Dolores is self aware she can access all her memories including the ones where she has been frozen. There could have been lots of things she has heard over the years which she now has access to.

One slightly strange thing – when Dolores sees Angela getting dressed after a night “entertaining” Logan I presume, is it just me or did it look like she gave her a …..bitchy look?

Thanks for reading and keep up the good work


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2 Responses

  1. Michael Treend says:

    This would also give a little help to the theory they are making copies of people. So as one of you pointed out a template of yourself while you are out raping and killing would not give an accurate representation of yourself to anyone who knew you. In fact they’d have you committed you a psych ward or possibly prison. However those actions (the killing etc) are kinda like when you pick up a controller and starting shooting on C.O.D. when the visitors at the park are having a meal or just chatting with mates or whatever they will be themselves. Having all hosts on perma-record would capture enough data to form a decent personality template

  2. Gene Lyons says:

    You might be onto something regarding the “always recording” feature. If Delos is trying to replicate people or gather maximum data on them, hosts logically would record at all times. It also explains why Dolores, Peter, and other hosts seems to know more than their conscious interactions would suggest.

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