Limitations On Westworld

Westworld Telegraph

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Your conversation on the limitations a guest experience can have was illuminating. Couple of points I quickly wanted to hit.

1. I totally agree for the right dollar a catered experience can be arranged. However, I do believe that such experience would be hidden and exclusive very much like a sex trade as it stands. There are people in this country making millions of dollars from sex trafficking and those victims include children. It’s a business that comes with legal and moral ramifications and I would say that while Westworld wouldn’t advertise this and likely has banned such behaviors; what’s done in the dark….

2. Your gun reference to seeing people using a person for target practice. For better or worst these country has freedom of speech and part of that discussion is racism, classism, sexism, etc. While it is offensive to hear or see it is classified very much like a though rather than an action. Yes, they are using a pic as target practice. They are indulging in that hateful inclination in a fashion that does not hurt but offends. An example, I have really bad road rage. There have been moments I have looked into another car and said some of the vilest things and I’m sure if I had a target practice range they’d be the person whose face I’m shooting up. Its ignorance at his basest but also human. It’s not condoned but it’s a place everyone in some way indulges in. Its why if you attacked said person you’d be the one in the back of a police car. I am AA by the way just to give some background to me. I would of course want to intervene however the difference is I have a choice to walk away. I have avenues of action I can take to address the issue that is likely more productive to assault despite any validation I may feel assaulting said person.

3. I don’t believe that Westworld has no limitations. Nor do we know how far out the outer edges go.

4. Man, they got you on the Ford is a hero thing. I think blaming the board again is a bit premature. Again, they DID NOT know anything about the hosts gaining consciousness. As far as the board knew the hosts were just that. The reveries was all Ford. Actually, their idea was to make the hosts simpler as all guests did was fuck and shoot them. Ford made them more and continued to explore the awakening of nurturing this new species. Which means all means to an end does not allow for a free pass to the sacrifices made to that end. I’m sure if there was a child victim that remained a victim under Ford’s supervision would not gain consciousness and feel as if Ford is their benefactor. And gaining free will doesn’t mean you become a killer or that you would be able to mentally confront your oppressor. I don’t want to go to the rabbit hole but that’s a big thing I had to address. The child victim could just as easily, if not likely, respond in a way a human would and say…commit suicide, become self-destructive, their never ending existence is now tainted with the memories. Basically, Delores would argue herself that Ford would not be seen as her hero because whatever his reasons it happened and now she must live with the emotional and physical traumatization of that for the rest of her existence. Five minutes or years of revenge does not eradicate the stain.


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