Maybe Arnold Was Never Real.

Westworld Telegraph

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Hi Guys,

Love the podcast. And really love the three casts a week format.

I am listening to this weeks telegraph and a thought has just hit me.

Everyone’s theories are based on the fact that Arnold is, or was, real. Perhaps Arnold was software created by Ford many years ago. Ford developed Arnold as far as he could and Arnold continued to learn. Ford and Arnold ( the original A.I.) created the park together.

Arnold continued to grow and learn and in doing so took the hosts to a level far beyond what Ford was capable of. This would explain why Ford maintains that only Arnold , who somehow “died”, understood all of the programmings. It would also explain why no one can find any record of Arnold.

I also wonder if Arnold died because of becoming aware and that is why Ford is adamant about the hosts being protected and kept in their loops.

I know this theory isn’t fully fleshed out but I would love to hear your take.

Keep up the good work.


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