Missing A Scene In the Finale

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Hey Guys,

I want to thank you for the opportunity to nerd out unabashedly, three times per week for the past two seasons. I”ll miss you guys a ton when this is all really over. (Sniff Sniff) I’m a crier too, Gene.

On Sunday night, as I watched the finale, I felt mostly satisfied and was still surprised a couple of times which is some doing after so much dissecting, analyzing, and theorizing for so many seasons.

But, here”s why I’m writing -I think we”re missing a scene or two in this finale that would have answered some big questions & clarified Jon”s arc in a way that the Double Dees just did not do. What happened when he walked out of the throne room? Was there an altercation between he & Grey Worm? That would have been an interesting fight or even negotiation to see go down. Was his true parentage discussed behind closed doors, before the meeting in the dragon pit? I mean -his name wasn’t even proffered as an option to rule. And, he was the rightful heir to the throne. I wanted to see that play out. Did Jon ask them to keep the secret? What the hell happened between Dany”s death & the selection of the new king? (Don’t even get me going on Bran. ??)

If we had seen the conflict following Dany”s death & some sort of negotiations play out on screen, I feel like the banishment would have made far more sense than it did as it played out as written. As it was, I felt like it was an unresolved character opportunity, with the man we have been following so closely for so very long.

I”ll end on two things that I really loved about the finale. The scene where Tyrion finds Jaime & Cersei was absolutely beautiful. The shot itself was stunning, and seeing the three siblings together in the crypt got me really emotional. Yeah -I know Cersei was awful, but she loved her family fiercely. And, Jaime just needed to show up for his girl. And, something about that dysfunction being comforting & protective in the end just felt like such a full circle completion for the Lannister siblings. I know it”s twisted. But, I loved it.

Also, the Angel of Death shot was incredible. I don’t care how “on the nose” it was. It told the whole story of Dany”s turn in one bold frame. Thrilling. (Also that speech to the armies was chilling AF.) I really thought the first half of the episode was fantastic.

My son is almost 15 and we”re looking forward to rewatching the whole thing with him this summer (using the NYT PG-13 watching guide to help skip over some of the really crazy bits). But, I am looking forward to watching it again with a fresh set of eyes.

Thanks again for everything!

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