Need Your Help with Westworld Posters

Westworld Telegraph

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Hi Shat Team,

My name is Zach and I am emailing you from sunny old England, yes England, not Great Britain and No it’s not actually sunny sadly.

Firstly Love the show I picked it up early on in the Westworld Series and it provided a perfect interlude between episodes and fed my addict crush on the show. I am making some fan art at the moment based on the Westworld series and I was hoping to ask for some help on creating content, I have made a lock up and will enclose a visual so you can have a look and see what you think:

WestWorld Posters

I am basing the series of posters I am making on the 10 episodes so I am looking to involve some text for each episode but am struggling on the content for this as the typical quotes are fine but if you have any insight on this I would love you opinion on what you think are the key characters in each episode and what the defining quote in each episode would be.. and even as far as what the meanings behind the episode names for be. For example, in the First Episode, i believe Deloris is ‘the original’ so she would be my key visual and then the quote would be the start of the revolution of the Hosts “these violent delights have violent ends” this being a Shakespeare quote I enclosed the entire verse.

Also touching upon Taboo, love the theories but however for some reason i think that there will be a big twist to do with Zilpha whether it is to do with the Child which it seems as though this is the bastard child of James (Tom Hardy) or if in fact Zilpha was the one to bring the demise of Horace Delaney as it seems as though there may be a theme of Women in power behind the scenes we’ve already seen how she can take control over James. Could this be the Twist we’ve been waiting for as it would be an even bigger blow to James if the person to betray him would be the Woman (Sister) he loves?

Lastly this is a bit of a name drop so don’t hate but I work just round the corner from a creative director Chips Hardy who is Tom Hardy’s Dad and is one of the Creators of this series so far I have been to chicken to go around and ask him anything about the show as I am just a freelance haha.

Hope this finds you well and keep on SHATTING! 🙂


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