Hey Gang, love your commentary on Lovecraft Country more than I do Lovecraft Country. My email is about the shows use of needle drops. For those that dont know, I mean their use of pre-existing songs not composed for the show.. Lovecraft country writer#1: So the opening of this scene will be the funeral for Emmitt Till? What song should we play under a scene whos background is one of the most devastating grotesque crimes in American history. Lovecraft country writer #2: Isnt the answer obvious? The new wave, post disco, dance pop hit Cruel Summer by the British Band Banamarama. Obviously. Because its summer and Emmitt Tills murder was a cruet event. We the writers of Lovecraft Country are truly masters of subtlety and tact. If youre gonna do a needle drop out of time, it has to has either by in line with the themes or tone of the overall piece. Case in point: Billie Hollidays somber song about racism from the 1950s plays 2016s Birth of a Nation, a somber film about slavery set in the 1800s. If youre gonna have multiple needle drops, they should be similar in tone, theme or genre. Im sorry but you cant just have Marylin Manson, Alice Smith, Banamrama, and Cardi B on the same soundtrack, without a creating world that feels like it can accommodate all these tones and textures. Its doesnt help that the needle drops sound nothing like the original score. Rather than feeling like a part of the world, I hear them I just go, I am currently listening to a Marylin Manson song. Soundscape is an important part of creating a world, and this shows soundscape (to me) is pure auditory noise. Am I nitpicking here? Is there method to the madness Im missing? Keep it up the good work, yall. 🙂 -Chris
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