Neo of Westworld

Westworld Telegraph

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Yo, fellas

First time writer here. Love your cast. Just jumped into your podcast with episode 6’s casts. I’ve read various sub-reddits, so I believe I’m up on the predominant theories so far, I just don’t have all your takes on them just yet. I plan to go back to check your earlier episodes, but I just haven’t yet.

All that being said, here’s my theory. It’s really just a mish-mash of other, already out there theories, that I happen to agree with. My real contribution, I feel, is that I believe I know the motivation behind what’s happening. So, here goes, sorry, if it drags on a bit.

Big D, I like your idea about Arnold being a myth or story that Ford uses/has used as a bit of insulation or protection. I kinda think that 40 years ago, Arnold could’ve been Ford’s father and partner. They were a genius father/son engineering duo. Arnold’s life was marked by tragedy, which is what Ford says about him, and he dies. Whether he commits suicide or any other way dies (alcoholism), he dies. This messes Ford up a bit, but he still believes in the park. And, he’s the main genius/visionary, so it’s cool. He takes over and develops the park to build it up. He’s young, so he’s idealistic. He has big, far-reaching plans for the park, but, possibly when his father/Arnold dies, tragedy strikes.

I still believe in the two time periods happening. William and Dolores are in an earlier time period than the one that we see that Bernard is a host. And William is the MiB. In his earlier time period, he’s first come to check out the park. Dolores is triggered awake somehow, Arnold intervention, perhaps, and she hooks up with William and goes on her journey of awakening. As she awakens, William falls deeply in love with her. Some crazy shit happens, and Dolores just about realizes full woke-ness, but it’s all stopped. The park is almost ruined, but William is so enamored with it and with Dolores, he convinces his wife’s company to save it, and MiB is born. Dolores is deemed special by Ford, so she’s not decommissioned, just kept tabs on by being kept in a loop.

Time passes. MiB keeps coming back to the park throughout the years to try to get Dolores to awaken again and become the woman he fell in love with. Over this time, he learns of the Maze, which he comes to realize is the hosts journey to woke-ness. As he comes back to try to get Dolores to attain this, Ford sets up narratives with adversaries to stifle MiB’s progress. In this in-between time, Ford is happy the park is saved, but doesn’t want the hosts to attain woke-ness, so he and MiB have a yin and yang relationship over the years.

As time passes, the park acquires the attention of outside corporate money-grubbers. They increasingly take control here and there and, eventually, get to the point where it might be possible to supplant Ford. Luckily, he’s been entrenching himself in the park, and possibly in the board with subversive hosts. So, that’s one of his main motivations. He’s tired of the advancing control of the corporate interests.

But there’s more. Ford also mentions, I believe in the first episode, that the outside world has developed in a certain way. He has a couple lines about evolution and how we’re done..without mistake, without conflict, without anything to push us (humanity) to evolve. He’s probably thought this for a while, but this combined with the increasingly annoying pressures from the corporate side, Ford’s ready to fuck shit up.

So, Ford knows about the Maze and, possibly, how Arnold had it in place at first as a moat to keep the hosts in line. But now, he’s using it to actually give the hosts consciousness. I think the new narrative, Wyatt and what-not, is actually helping MiB along the way. Dolores is retracing the steps of her journey back in the day with William, and eventually she will become woke, again. The surprise is that Maeve has already achieved it, although, Ford probably already knows about it, given the power he displayed in episode 7. I feel like Ford intended for Dolores to become woke first, but then she said the special line to Maeve, and given her (Maeve’s) special personality mix, she was able to attain woke-ness without the crazy journey that Dolores is on.

I do believe that Maeve will now be the Neo of Westworld and shepherd the other hosts out of the park. Ford would want it all along, because he wants something to challenge humanityto force us to evolve.

I know I’m missing a bunch of stuff, and there’s probably a ton of holes in all of this, but I’ll be interested to hear you guys pick it apart.

Keep up the great work and thanks for the podcast! – Gomez98

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1 Response

  1. Gene Lyons says:

    This is a well-thought-out premise, but I get the feeling Arnold was the real genius behind “Westworld.” Ford likely was a lesser ally or an artificial intelligence created to further Arnold’s work beyond the point his human mind could handle.

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