No Theories, Just Thoughts

Westworld Telegraph

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Hi Hosts,

Sending this prior to episode 9. Really enjoy the podcasts, keeps me occupied on my drive to work all week. Just a couple of thoughts.

First, as a long time Ennio Morricone fan , I appreciate your use of Ecstasy of Gold as your theme music. Tuco running in circles at Sand Hill Cemetery is one of my favorite scenes from any Leone movie. As an aside, there are some great YouTube clips of Morricone directing this piece and performed by Soprano Susanna Rigacci that are worth your time.

Secondly, good call by Big D in identifying the LeMat revolver as MiB’s sidearm. This was a 9 shot revolver with a single shot gun barrel that was manufactured and used by Confederate forces. The pistol Dolores dug up was not a LeMat, it was a generic 6 shooter. Only MiB has been seen with a LeMat. None of the Confederatos seem to have them. If at some point we see William take possession of a LeMat that would seem to tie him in to future MiB. In any event, the LeMat could be seen as the ultimate upgrade for the ultimate gamer MiB.

Lastly, I thought I had discovered an evidentiary point that established the two timeline theory. We all recall the use of the Gatling gun by the Confederatos on the armored train in the William/Dolores timeline. The Gatling gun was patented in 1862. On viewing closely the armored stagecoach in episode 4 that takes MiB and Lawrence to jail, it mounts a Maxim machine gun on the back. The Maxim was patented in 1883 and went into wide usage in the 1890s. Hence the 30 year gap in time periods is established. While congratulating myself I then recalled that Teddy use a Gatling gun on soldiers in the MiB timeline and my theory spontaneously combusted. I suppose it’s possible the troops Teddy mowed down were equipped with an old Gatling gun. Indeed, US forces had Gatling guns during the 1898 Spanish-American War. But I think this is likely a continuity error, probably caused the production shut down in mid series.

But this point did lead me to wonder what the technological time frame is for the show. Do the props in the park reflect technological advances as the years go by? I think probably the park represents a general time frame of 1860-1890 and any items that existed during that period are fair game to use. I don’t think the park reflects a passage of time outside of that time period. In other words, in 30 years I don’t believe guests will be paying $40,000 a day to experience all the fun of the 1920s Dustbowl.

No theories from me, I’m out of tinfoil. Will miss your Westworld pods but look forward to your next project.

Charles in Illinois

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