On The Throne: The Long Night Comment

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Hey Y’all!

First time, long time. Big fan, and finally writing in.

TL;DR: Yes, there are a lot of questions left after The Long Night, but I think it’s too early to complain that all of your questions weren’t answered when we have 4+ hours of show left. They have lots time to answer questions, and I hope they will. So, until the show is done, I’m reserving judgment on that aspect.

I think the Long Night was great, and the 80+ minutes flew by. I’m really happy with the pacing of the episode, among many other things. It drew me, and everyone else I was watching it with, in, and didn’t let go. I didn’t want to pick my phone up at all during the show to check anything else going on-A+ immersive media experience.

Some of the commentary I’ve seen (and I imagine you’ll see too) is from people who are upset we didn’t get all of the answers we should have. As an example, here’s an article from the Onions AV club giving last giving the episode a B rating. So, people enjoyed the episode while they were watching it, but once they went back and thought about it fell apart for them.

I think this misses what was done.

First, if you enjoyed the episode while you were watching it, then that should be a mission accomplished for everyone involved in the production.

Yes, as a book re-reader, I wish they had answered a lot of my questions. What was Bran doing? How did Melisandre get to Winterfell? Is anyone really Azor Ahai? But if they had answered all of the questions, they would have ruined the pacing of the episode.

It’s almost like being upset at Lord of the Rings when you haven’t even gotten to Helm’s Deep, but Sauron hasn’t been defeated. Just wait-that part’s coming, and there’s lot of time left!

And this isn’t to say that I’m giving them a complete pass-it’s only to say they have 4+ hours left to go, so give them the time to finish their story. If they don’t answer many of the questions that are left, I’ll be mad too (because I’ve given up on expecting that GRRM will ever finish the main books).


— John S

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