Queen Sansa

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OK. I’m having a hard time accepting all the praise being heaped on Sansa. She is so wise, she is the best ruler, she deserves to be a queen, etc. Exactly what has she really accomplished? As a little girl, she was full of herself and whiny. “Please, please let me go to Kings Landing and marry Joffrey. It”s all I ever wanted.” She had been wanting that for all of her 11 years? OK. She was a child. And for the first 4 seasons, she endured a hell of a lot and survived. But she still hadn’t risen up to some hero status. Her star status seemed to rise in season 6 when she took Littlefinger”s offer to bring the Knights of the Vale to Jon”s rescue. She later says that she saved Winterfell. Really? She sat at the encampment outside of Winterfell with Jon arguing that he should wait for more soldiers. He said he had to go with what he had. She couldn’t have mentioned that Littlefinger was a day away? Why hold that critical piece of information back? Had they waited, it might have been an entirely different battle. How many Northern soldiers and wildlings would have been saved? But no, she makes no mention of the reinforcements and sends Jon and his army to what could have been a complete massacre. So no points for that Battle. I”ll give her some credit for decent management of Winterfell and her concern for the welfare of her people. But there were no ingenious moves or heroics. (The death of Littlefinger could have been accomplished in one episode, since the combined knowledge of Sansa, Arya and Bran, revealed to all the traitor that he was. No need for the cat and mouse shenanigans.). Her only truly big move was at the Kingsmoot where she manipulated and convinced Bran that the poor northerners had sacrificed so much and therefore . . . they should be compensated with goods or coin? . . . excused from the next war? . . . No. They should be independent. What exactly does that get the average northerner? Nada. But who does benefit? Sansa. Don’t bend the knee to Bran. Bend the knee to Queen Sansa. ?? In the end, I don’t really care if she rules or not, but let”s not make her Sansa the Worthy. She is really just a pretty average lady who got what she “always wanted” – to be a princess/queen.

Donna Winquist

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