Questions Over Questions

Westworld Telegraph

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Hey there again!

So you’ve officially turned me from someone who never writes to any podcast to someone who writes twice in a week! I think this is because you make us listeners really feel like you want to engage in conversation with each and every one of us (even the less bright). [ ]

As I said in my last mail, I’m not good at coming up with theories, I’m much better at pointing out contradictions, hoping that somebody else weaves them into a nice theory. So here are a lot of questions concerning yesterday’s episode, one little Bernard theory and an awesome Maeve fun fact:

The MIB said to Teddy “when this place started I opened one of you up once”. After the massacre William just made, the phrase “I opened ONE of you up ONCE” seems really inappropriate to describe the situation. Also “when this place started” is not the same time of William’s massacre since Logan had been coming to the park long before that. Also, we see William is, in fact, left-handed when he threatens Logan with a knife (a while ago in a cast you said that he was right-handed just like the MIB), this also seems to contradict the William=MIB theory.

What would have happened with the MIB if he hadn’t cut himself loose in time? Was it a fake robe? Or would Charlotte have just watched him get killed? Has the Angela host group still the don’t-kill-a-human restriction or not? Would Charlotte be aware of the possible danger in which she found the MIB?

When the MIB says to Charlotte that there are no coincidences in this park, does this mean he knows that somebody killed Theresa? Is this going to influence his actions or behavior? Does he assume that Ford is behind it and therefore gives his vote to cut him out?

Did you also get a father-daughter vibe with MIB and Charlotte? When MIB says “oh that’s why you’re here”, for a split second it seems like he’s disappointment and might have thought that his daughter was actually concerned about the well-being of her father (when she says, have you ever considered golf, would be better for your back). Plus, she’s wearing all black in that scene.

We now understand that Maeve only made the Marshalls kill each other so that Hector succeeds at robbing the safe so that she can have a private chat with him and explain him his ending. So that was not her going all goofy and telling them to shoot each other for fun, but rather a smart ass plan.

When Maeve talks to Hector, she speaks about his sad backstory saying “but that’s hardly your fault”. That is the exact same line Ford uses when Dolores says that she’s forgetful sometimes. Are we seeing Maeve becoming like Ford?

Why hasn’t Bernard frozen before, when other technicians said: “freeze all motor functions”. We see with Stubbs that he expects this command to work on a group of hosts without having to address them individually. So why has this command worked on Bernard only when Maeve uses it and not when other technicians do? So far we’ve only seen Maeve and Ford use it successfully on Bernard, so the same question again: Is Maeve becoming like Ford?

Why does Bernard clear the floor when examining Maeve, unless he expects something that requires privacy? It would seem like an unnecessary interruption of normal work (we see other hosts sitting in the background probably being worked on) and also very uncautious (if he expects something dangerous to happen you might want to clear the floor of normal staff but get some armed security right?). And also when Maeve tells him that he is a host, he accepts it far too quickly. Last time with Ford he saw the plans of his own construction and he almost couldn’t believe it. Maeve gives him no proof (until she freezes him) and still he seems willing to consider the possibility, instead of saying “what, you’re out of your mind”.

When Maeve and Dolores become sentient they suddenly are able to hurt humans (we see it when Maeve attacks Sylvester and Dolores Logan). So why on earth is sentient Bernard not able to hurt Ford? Actually when they become sentient we see that they stop responding to voice commands (we see it with Maeve when her daughter got killed and she stabs herself in the neck despite being told to sit still and relax). So why does sentient Bernard still responds to Ford’s command of killing himself?

Why did Elsie’s signal suddenly came on again?

–> So this made me have this little theory: What if Bernard (after remembering his attack on her) somehow manages to remotely turn on Elsie’s signal again? I mean we’ve seen how Maeve got access to the network (story lines, employees’ working schedule etc.) remotely. What if sentient Bernard has the same access and used it to turn Elsie’s transmitter on so that somebody can find her? Also, what if Bernard is, in fact, able to ignoring voice commands and he just fakes killing himself? Conveniently Ford orders him to shoot himself when he’s gone.

It’s dark, we only see Bernard’s silhouette collapse, but even I would be able to point the gun somewhere else and fake collapse and the right time. Plus, it would just be such a waste if Bernard was gone for good now that we could finally explore how Arnold’s personality intersects with his etc.; and I just don’t want to cry myself to sleep over the idea that he’s actually gone. xD

Why isn’t Dolores bound to her chair in the scene with William and Logan? Why doesn’t she try to save William or escape earlier?

The voice saying “remember” pulls her back from her memories. So it’s like “remember that those are only memories”, this seems like a curious fact since normally remember goes the other way around and means “remember things from your past”.

When Dolores says to Logan “then somebody’s gonna burn it clean”, it seems like a nice analogy to Maeve starting a fire in the tent.

Last but not least, I googled Maeve (actually I just wanted to find out what the actress’ name was), and the Portuguese Wikipedia entry on the name Maeve is pretty interesting. It says:

“Maeve was an Irish Celtic queen, often worshiped as a goddess for having wielded power and fascination among her subordinates in her day. Her name means “she who intoxicates” or “queen-wolf.” […] Goddess of War, effectively participated in various battles, for women in this age and in this culture were not seen as fragile or incapable and fought bravely. They had the power to choose their husbands with their respective gifts; in addition, they chose to divorce if they were dissatisfied or unhappy. […] She was also a symbol of full and exuberant sexuality, as was Venus in Roman culture, or Aphrodite in Greek. Maeve had the power to choose her partners. Her relationship with sexuality had nothing to do with promiscuity; instead, it was healthy and magnetic. […]”

I have no idea where the Portuguese writer got this information from since the English Wikipedia article focusses much more on the story around her personality than on symbolism. ( But also there it’s stated that “Irish and Irish-American poets have explored Medb as an image of woman’s power, including sexuality”. I know this brings no new discovery or theory, but I thought this was just a beautiful description of Maeve and since we’re all Team Maeve, I thought it’s worth sharing [ ]

So that’s it for today. I’m very much looking forward to your deep dive!
Lots of love from Portugal,

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