Some Initial Thoughts This Week

Westworld Telegraph

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Hey Guys, So, I had some initial thoughts I wanted to run by you guys. First, Big D, I thought your explanation of how Akechete moved through the labs undetected was great. I had not thought about it that way, and I can now accept suspending that disbelief of his not being caught. There is another issue, though. How does Grace/Emily keep finding her Dad? It seems a bit of a stretch that she would find him, lose him and find him again with Ghost Nation. Do you have an explanation for that one, Big D because I would love for that piece to fit too!

Secondly, I thought that we finally had such an emotional story to connect with this season. I have complained before that the love stories (Delores and Teddy/Maeve and Hector) just don’t work on Westworld. I now stand corrected because the love story this week was not just believable, but I was invested from the start. I think this is where Gene was correct this week to assert that having the episode be about one individual and taking the time to unpack it worked so effectively. I too would have loved a first season with just 10 vignettes like last nights.

Finally, I wanted to ask your thoughts about the scene in the bar when Akecehte goes in. The maze is left next to a bottle of whiskey. We know in Westworld that there are symbols everywhere (including the fly that lands on his hand). Was this bottle of whiskey meant to signify that the maze was left for the man in black? And if so, by whom and what does that mean?

Looking forward to the deep dive and telegraph this week.

-Ashley from Houston

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