Some Thoughts About Westworld S2E02

Westworld Telegraph

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1. During the conversation in Westworld in which William convinced James Delos to make a major investment, James mentioned a previous investment by Logan. Logan’s investment was presumably too small for him to be granted inside information. Argos was very secretive; when Logan first met Angela and her companion he said it was nice to go beyond the cloak & dagger and finally learn some names and faces. Thus no one outside of Argos would have known Arnold had worked on the project. Argos could have successfully covered up the Incident in which Arnold committed “suicide by host” if it happened prior to Delos gaining control with James’ investment. Argos secrecy explains why Logan never met Arnold or knew his name. I’m very skeptical about the theory that Arnold never existed except as a disembodied artificial intelligence. Arnold’s voice and behavior in the flashbacks is much more human than Dolores of that time, so if he was artificial it should not have taken additional years to perfect the hosts’ mimicry of humans. It’s easiest to explain Dolores’ memory of Arnold escorting her to his home in China if Arnold was real. Assuming Arnold was real could also explain how Charlotte Hale acquired stock in the company: by inheriting it after the death of Arnold’s wife… who might have been paid a fortune to sign an NDA after Arnold’s death, in addition to Arnold’s stock. What’s hard to explain is how Bernard passed the background check that management would surely do on all Westworld employees.

2. Can Maeve control Dolores? In season one, Maeve was given the power to control any host. When Maeve encountered Dolores in this episode, their discussion ended when Maeve told Dolores she will let Maeve pass, and Dolores immediately complied without another word.

3. I’d like to hear speculation about Logan’s toast to the Delos elite when Dolores encountered him during James’ retirement party. After Logan told Dolores they were fools fiddling while the whole species starts to burn and they’d lit the match, he toasted
“So here’s to you, assholes. May your forever be blissfully short.” The word ‘forever’ hints at an immortality project. It supports the theory that James Delos’ mind was copied into Peter Abernathy before the technology was mature. Perhaps years later, when the technology was more mature, William’s mind was copied, or his brain was transplanted, into the Man in Black. I assume William would have required guarantees that Robert Ford wouldn’t have control over the Man in Black and that no one would be told he was no longer human. Personally, I don’t believe those theories about James and William, because I don’t remember anything in the tv series that suggests anyone has the tech to copy a mind or transplant a brain. The closest thing to such a hint was the brain-like tissue surrounding the host’s brain bulb.

4. Hosts were programmed to say “It doesn’t look like anything to me” when they encounter anything from the real world. But Teddy didn’t say it when Dolores showed him images of his deaths. Before Ford died, he must have turned off that subroutine.

–Steve E

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1 Response

  1. Gene Lyons says:

    I’ve been thinking a lot about “it doesn’t look like anything to me,” and I wonder if it only applies to specific items hosts are programmed not to see. Otherwise, hosts would be baffled by anything they hadn’t been programmed to see.

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