Someone Is Looking to “Awaken” Arnold Within a Host Body

Westworld Telegraph

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Hi guys,

Thanks for all the effort you’re putting into your podcasts. Love all of them but Telegraph is a particular favorite. I’d like to contribute my own theory. Hopefully, it might lead you guys down another path and think it’s not something I’ve heard anyone suggest.

So, someone is looking to “awaken” Arnold within a host body. The maze is the technique to do this. This is reminiscent of the process of awakening the former memories of a ghola in Frank Herbert’s Dune saga, often based around traumatic experience. I think, Dolores, Maeve, and Teddy and all experiments; different ways to potentially awaken Arnold within them using different Westworld narratives and dropping in the maze mythology. Perhaps Arnold created the maze to help him awaken in a more God-like and immortal body and lead a new and better race of people to freedom.

Leading on from this, and drawing again on Dune, humanity keeps on making the same mistakes, we have relatively short lives and struggle to empathize with the experiences of previous generations, lessons of the past seem increasingly more abstract. These mistakes aren’t visceral enough for us to make a significant change. Hosts live longer, able to accumulate and remember lots of experiences and lessons, which should ultimately lead to a better people. This is very much like the past memories of the Bene Gesserit. They can dip into the distant past to better inform their choices and avoid making the same mistakes.

Westworld a good example of the flawed human experience. It represents a connection between past and present, and how things haven’t really changed, violent delights still have violent ends. We exploit and we are violent. We haven’t really evolved out of this we just change the ways we exercise these, moving from using people to robots (Maeve’s experience in Westworld and then “walk”, makes that connection). The basic flaws are still there. Hosts are being given fundamental insight into this flawed human experience so that when they break, or are led free they will recognize and avoid our past mistakes and flaws.

Keep up the good work!

Kind regards, –Richard

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