Stupid Wight Mission Matches Prophecy

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Your podcasts are awesome, and I’m glad you put them on YouTube or I never would have found them.

Onto the GoT season 7.6: Making sense of the dumbest plot since the Sand Snakes – the capturing a Wight to convince Cersei… CERSEI! I don’t do enjoy tin-foil theories, but things like R+L=J I don’t consider tin-foil. That said, what if: Jon surviving and being “reborn” from the lake is a fulfillment of the Azor Ahai prophecy. Everyone, rightfully so, is hung up how ridiculous this mission of in-westerous bastards was. Consider: the visions of the mountain shaped like an arrow, at the place where the Night King was created, Bran giving just enough info to tell Jon where to go even though Bran knows so much more… There has to be a much greater purpose to going there with all these main characters than to capture a Wight, even though none of the viewers or characters know any different. Big D even mentioned the connection of the arrow shaped Mt. last instant reaction vid, which is a fantastic catch. (Hope he and his fam are OK.)

I decided we have to look at the actual result of this mission impossible if we’re going to make sense of it, rather than just calling it stupid, or manufacturing tin-foil out of thin air.

  1. We get the 3rd head of the dragon: the Night King (ice), Danny (fire), Jon (ice and fire)
  2. We get Jon being reborn, surviving the ice water and cold, because he’s a Wight of the Lord of Light
  3. We get the champion, as Jon kills another White Walker, and the revelation that if you kill the WW, the Wights it controls cease to be animated. The champion now has all the knowledge he needs (dragonglass, valyrian steel, fire, kill the WW and you kill the Wights…etc) to defeat the Night King. And, he apparently holds off Wights for Drogon to load up the crew.
  4. Danny sees Jon as her champion, and we solidify their relationship to make whoopie. Here salty tear when Jon opens his eyes could be the salt in Jon being reborn
  5. Danny is supposedly barren, unable to give birth, her womb stone… were she to get prego from Jon, it would be a “stone dragon” baby – again fulfilling the Azor Ahai prophecy. (only death can pay for life… Viserion was her “child”, the 2nd or 3rd time she’s emphatically mentioned it to Jon)
  6. The Night King now has a way to get over The Wall, and a champion is important now more than ever. So while the stated premise for this mission impossible is so painfully idiotic – in the context of the Azor Ahai prophesy (of which there are several variations), it makes a LOT of sense. But then again, maybe I’m giving Dan and Dave way too much credit.

P.S. If the Night King can skinchange into Viserion, which is how they control the Wights, and dead bears, horses, and giants (oh my)… then so can Bran. “But you will fly.” Thoughts? – thanks for the great recaps!

P.S.S. The eye thing was a complete coincidence. There is no evidence of worging into object that are not, or were never, alive, either in the show, or the books. It was just a reflection from Jon’s glove/hand.

Stacey E

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