Tagged: Contrapasso

Blood Sacrifices

Howdy! I just rewatched “Contrapasso” and was struck by the scene in which the Man In Black executes Lawrence. At a certain point, upon seeing that Teddy is not doing so hot, MIB sends (early model aka bloodless) young Ford for water (remarking “He’s too small”), tells Lawrence that it...

Aim High Sister!

With apologies to Elsie, who I really like as a character. She certainly has lofty, but apparently narrow goals. I have to say this episode was a break taker, and I think the montage of Maeve touring the inner facility was certainly a high water mark for me. Although I...

Graves & Post-Mortem

The early graveyard scene in Contrapasso reminded me of a diagram recently uploaded at discoverwestworld.com. Here are some brain ramblings, not completely thought out, but I’m curious to hear your take. First, the bell hanging from the cross grave markers caught my eye. A Google search revealed that these bells...

What If There Are Multiple Copies of Hosts?

Hi Big D, Gene & Rog, I don’t have a fully-developed, full-blown, coherent theory, all I have are questions: What if there are multiple copies of hosts? Wouldn’t it be practical to have copies? This might explain Dolores seeing herself, Maeve being sent in again to Felix & Sylvester after...

The Tear in Ford’s Eye

Early in Contrapasso, as Dolores and Ford are finishing their conversation, she says “are we very old friends?”. As Ford answers, one tear roles from his eye. Most beautifully acted – and so, Ford has regrets and sadness. I suspect his sins are grievous and clearly, he is self-aware, as...

Simple Question on Contrapasso

Hey guys, I love your show, definitely the best analysis of Westworld that I’ve come across. I have one simple question; why would the park allow real nitroglycerin into the park? We already saw Stubbs having to authorize pyrotechnics in the park, so why would they allow a very dangerous...