Tagged: HBO

A Better Method For Killing Littlefinger

Long time listener, first time writer, avid GoT watcher but never read…here’s my prediction for the ending and better method for taking out Littlefinger. I do respect the method Sansa took to call out Lord Balesh infront of the Knights of the Vale; however, what if: We see Arya confront...

Why Everyone Should Re-Watch Game of Thrones

Hey guys, I wanted to send you a follow-up to your discussion on the small council. I don’t know if you read any emails outside of the viewer email episode. Even still, incase this could help with the final podcast (if these topics come up), consider it show prep free...

Arya Will Kill Cersei as Jaime

Arya kills Cersei as Jaime. That’s my theory and I’m sticking to it! Yes, the Hound will kill the Mountain then he will not get in the way of Arya, with Jaime’s face, killing Cersei. I think that is the only face she will take next season. Why take Littlefinger...

Tyrion Has Turned Traitor

Hey guys, Ryan from Dallas here. I have a couple of notes and a question/theory about the finale. (If this makes the show, feel free to selectively choose any, but #4 is the best). However, before we begin, I am glad to be redeemed for my non spoiler disclaimer last...

Targaryen and Lannister Babies

Hi! So my working theory on Tyrion strange lurking in the shadows while Jon and Dany were together is this: The last moment Tyrion and Cersei were together before she comes out saying she will join forces to defeat the dead, is when Tyrion discovers she’s pregnant. What if Tyrion...

Hand of the Queen? Sitter of the Iron Throne?

Hey guys, LOVE the podcast!!! This is my first time emailing in and I hope I have something decent to add to the mix. I had a thought when I went back and watched the boat scene with J+D (#teamincest). We can all agree the Tyrion looked less than thrilled...

Death of the Ice Dragon

Hey Guys, I love the podcast, it really gets me through the drive to work! I have a theory regarding the “Ice” dragon and his eventual downfall that will bring the land of the living together and cement alliances in the war to come. We know that Dragon Glass and...