Tagged: Herizen F. Guardiola
American Gods Episode 5 Review: “Sister Rising” It’s an all-Gene episode as disaster strikes the Shat on TV crew! This solo podcast covers Season 3, Episode 5 of American Gods: “Sister Rising.” Gene Lyons adds to Technical Boy’s original story, the Mechanical Turk, and Mr. Wednesday’s newest grift. Ash calls...
American Gods Episode 4 Review: “The Unseen” An “American Gods” episode that made Gene emotional? Season 3, Episode 4 was the perfect mid-season addition to the series, giving Shadow more power, Laura more motivation, and viewers a powerful history lesson on slavery in America. In this edition, Ash shares her...
American Gods Episode 3 Review: “Ashes and Demons” Ash joins the podcast to cover Season 3, Episode 3: “Ashes and Demons.” In this Deep Dive, Shat on TV explores the history of Demeter, the newest “American Gods” goddess, and how she fits into the overall picture of a very Greek...
American Gods Episode 2 Review: “Serious Moonlight” “American Gods” continued a strong third season with “Serious Moonlight,” telling us more about Cordelia, Alison, Hinzelmann, thunderbirds, and Lakeside. Episode 2 added mystery and further humanized a growing list of characters while reintroducing gods and storylines from seasons past. Why is Tyr...
American Gods Episode 1 Review: “A Winter’s Tale” After a lengthy off-season, “American Gods” roared back to life with an impressive season premiere. Stronger dialogue, rich scenery, and camera discipline pulled us into the world as Shadow found his way through Wisconsin and Mr. World found a new face. In...
American Gods Season 3 Preview The long wait is over! After a pandemic and behind-the-scenes battles delayed production, “American Gods” returns for Season 3 on January 10. The King Bee and Gene Lyons are back with a look at what’s happened since Season 2, who’s coming back, and multiple ways...