Tagged: Rebus

Westworld Episode 9 Theories: "The Well Tempered Clavier"

Westworld Episode 9 Theories: “The Well Tempered Clavier”

Westworld Episode 9 Theories: “The Well Tempered Clavier” As “Westworld” approaches its finale, fans have zeroed in on all the major mysteries: What is Ford’s new narrative? How will Maeve proceed? How did Arnold die? Are the hosts actually people? And, of course, is the Man in Black really William?...

Westworld Episode 9 Review: "The Well Tempered Clavier"

Westworld Episode 9 Review: “The Well Tempered Clavier”

Westworld Episode 9 Review: “The Well Tempered Clavier” Prepare for the Westworld season finale with this fact-packed recap of Episode 9: “The Well-Tempered Clavier.” Explore Ford’s motivation for letting hosts run rampant. Consider what happened to Elsie and Stubbs. Mourn Bernarnold while digging deeper into his memories. And hear Gene...

Westworld Episode 9 Instant Take: "The Well Tempered Clavier"

Westworld Episode 9 Instant Take: “The Well Tempered Clavier”

Westworld Episode 9 Instant Take: “The Well Tempered Clavier” “Westworld” fans are the smartest. You were right about Bernarnold. You were right about Maeve’s admin abilities. You might even be right about William being the Man in Black! Couple those notions with a brilliant performance by Anthony Hopkins and awesome...

Westworld Fan Glossary: 9 Westwords you made up

Fleshbot. Bernarnold. #DongWatch2016. Westworld is such a different show from anything else on TV, fans no longer can capture their ideas in normal English. After laughing, cringing and sometimes scratching our heads at the terminology Westworld has inspired, we though it would be fun to build the Westworld Fan Glossary....

Westworld Episode 3 Theories: "The Stray"

Westworld Episode 3 Theories: “The Stray”

Westworld Episode 3 Theories: “The Stray” Jump spurs-first into a pool of Westworld viewer mail with the Westworld Telegraph! Think you’ve heard some weird theories? This bonus edition of the podcast gets weirder. Think you noticed every clue there was to see? Not even close. Join Roger Roper, Dick Ebert...

Westworld Episode 3 Review: "The Stray"

Westworld Episode 3 Review: “The Stray”

Westworld Episode 3 Review: “The Stray” A spot of horror, a significant slice of backstory (hey, Arnold!) and a few choice Alice in Wonderland references helped make the third episode of HBO’s Westworld the most satisfying yet. We’re three episodes in and the storylines of Westworld are denser than the...

Westworld Episode 3 Instant Take: "The Stray"

Westworld Episode 3 Instant Take: “The Stray”

Westworld Episode 3 Instant Take: “The Stray” Holy robot inception, Batman! There was so much happening in this week’s episode of Westworld, we wish HBO would have released it earlier in the week. The Rog & Big D debate their initial thoughts on Episode 3, entitled “Stray”, in this week’s...

westworld's player piano

Westworld’s Player Piano

Westworld’s player piano versions of 20th century rock hits went from delightful surprise to distracting gimmick to cultural phenomenon faster than Teddy getting killed in a shootout. A full week after Westworld Episode 1 –“The Original,” first aired, Twitter was still exuberant over the discovery. Thousands of people all reported...