Tagged: Sweetwater

WTF Shogun

Hey Guys, Alright, I just can’t get around that Shogun world seemed like really sloppy writing. It seems like someone came up with a, “hey, wouldn’t it be cool if we had mirror characters, what a fun scene.” Yeah, fun scene, but didn’t fit at all. Why would something as...

Thoughts On This Week’s Telegraph

Good show again guys 🙂 MIB dying- a listener postulated that the difference between MIB being shot in episode 1 and the finale may show he died. I disagree. The shooting in episode 1 occurs in Sweetwater with Teddy on his standard “loser” loop. Remember this loop gives anyone the...

Westworld Episode 4 Review: "Riddle of The Sphinx"

Westworld Episode 4 Review: “Riddle of The Sphinx”

Westworld Episode 4 Review: “Riddle of The Sphinx” Westworld’s viewership is slumping, but our hearts are pumping. How can you not love a show that brings you horrifying glimpses of technological immortality? Or a show that examines time as a data point, rather than a linear absolute. This Deep Dive...

Riddle Of The Sphynx Questions

Hey guys, I really appreciate your show. I have some thoughts on your questions. 1. Who is the human/host control that Bernard stole from the lab? After considering this option, I can’t see it any other way: Jeffrey Wright awakens on the beach to chaos, some time in the future...

Westworld Se4

Really enjoy the podcast. Keep up the good work. After watching ep4 my son and I were discussing a couple of threads that seem to be coming together. 1. MiB is on a journey towards his endgame but needs to look back to find the purpose and make right his...

The Riddle Of The Sphinx

Hey Guys, Two theories arising from “The Riddle of the Sphinx”: 1) To go forward, you need to go back You guys are discussing whether this is back in time, or back in geography. I think there’s a case that it could be both. When and where was the Man...

It Ends Where It Begins

Hey Guys, Just a quick shout out to say thanks for another season of great podcasting. Season 2 had a bit of a bumpy start, but I am back on board the train – although hopefully not on the one heading west. Speaking of directions, I don’t have a huge...

E4 Scalping

Hey, Big D; I hope you all are excited for E4/5. Grace is our entrée into Ghost Nation. Elsie and Stubbs were both seeking answers, but we weren’t allowed to go with them and see what they saw after they were kidnapped by Ghost Nation or “Arnold?” Now we have...