Tagged: TD-S3E4

West Memphis 3- Uhm Actually….

Hey Guys, Love all your shows. Gave you guys a great review, but, uhm actually Big D, the West Memphis 3 were never exonerated. They had to plead guilty to get a reduced sentence and get released on time served. -Rosenblat Kalmon

True Detective Season 3 Predictions

Hey Guys, Julie placed her brother’s hands in prayer (she’s the only one who would have seen the family photo) after he was killed accidentally in a plot they were both complicit in to get away from hectic home life/quarreling parents. Perhaps running off to join uncle? Mahershala’s daughter was...


Gentlemen, Thanks for reading my mail about the music. I had to chuckle when you stomped on “Everybody Knows” – it became very obvious you are youngsters. The song was released in Feb ’88’ ”’the good guys lost”- We’d had 8 years of Reagan and Bush was just elected, so...

True Detective

Hi Guys, I haven’t heard this mentioned: In episode 2 during the interview Elisa says “After the events in 1990 and what happened with Julie and her father you left the PD. Did you believe that concluded the case?” That seems to indicate she is found. Father being Tom, or...

True Detective Quick Thought

Hey Guys, So just wanted you guys to know the thought I’ve stumbled on, on my rewatch of episode 3. I’ll sum it up, and I can’t get it off my mind, but Wayne’s wife mentioned in episode 2, I believe, that she liked to go to different cities aand...

True Detective S3 Episode 3

Hey Guys, Really enjoying your analysis so far. I wanted to provide some context to one of the things you brought up in this episode. I work as a Forensic Biologist and when Wayne picked up the dice in the woods with his handkerchief and w/o gloves or anything like...

True Detective Season 3 Case Solved

Hi Guys, The solution is simple and right in front of us. The kids were taken by Wayne’s wife Amelia. She was aware of the kids neglect and abuse and decided to do something about it. Remember the scene at night when Wayne speaks to Amelia after the meeting at...

Is Wayne Banging Lucy?

Gentlemen, Love the show. A theory popped into my head this week – it’s crazy but here it is for your perusal – Looks to me like Purple Hays (access to the brown sedan/cop car) was doinking the Purcell kid’s mother (I’m entitled to a life) in the bushes. The...