Tagged: TD-S3E8

TD S3E8: A Waste of Tinfoil

Hey Guys, Can I remind you guys that this is ‘True Detective’ not True Love or True Life… if the story’s mystery is a MacGuffin then we all wasted a lot of tinfoil over the last 7 episodes. I agree with your assessment of episode 8 -if we were watching...

Family was the thing

Guys, We got a great end to a great season. Sometimes a soft/subdued ending is better than a hardcore “guns are blazing” type ending. I think that the finale really focused on family: Hoyt – in his warped way, all he wanted to do was to help his daughter and...

True Detective Episode 8 Review: “Now Am Found”

True Detective Episode 8 Review: “Now Am Found”

True Detective Episode 8 Review: “Now Am Found” As Mahershala Ali triumphantly raised his Best Supporting Actor Oscar for “Green Book,” Nic Pizzolatto and company wowed us with one of the greatest TV drama finales in HBO history. “True Detective” Episode 8, “Now Am Found,” changed the conversation from a...

True Detective 3 Finale

Guys, I don’t know. Just finished the final episode and I feel weird about this ending. I suppose it ended nicely but I don’t feel complete closure. Sort of how Roland felt! Why did it seem like something bad was going to happen but it never did? Why did Wayne’s...

True Detective Finale – Great Acting, Strangely Unsatisfying

Hello. I’m writing you because, of all the commentators I’ve seen, you seem most to combine intelligence with the experience to evaluate things in a realistic manner. Most commentators, even ones who are obviously bright, just don’t have the sense of history, or, apparently, real life, to interpret things except...

True Detective

Hey Guys, First email for True Detective, but y’all have done an awesome job this season. It has enhanced my viewing of the show greatly. Instead of thinking what is next I have enjoyed the ups and downs of the relationships without the anxiety of “figuring” it out. What a...

Bittersweet Ending

Hey Guys, This ending was so heartwarming and bittersweet especially with Hays forgetting when he arrived at Julie’s place. But it was probably better in the long run because Julie found her peace in the end and having Hays coming to bring her past trauma would’ve been painful. Plus for...