Tagged: Walter 2.0

Westworld Episode 3 Theories: “Virtù e Fortuna”

Westworld Episode 3 Theories: “Virtù e Fortuna”

Westworld Episode 3 Theories: “Virto¹ e Fortuna” Episode 3 is usually right about where listener mail starts getting truly weird, and Westworld Season 2 is no exception. “Virtu e Fortuna” got all the marbles rolling around in our heads, and some fascinating topics emerged: Is Grace from The Raj related...

Westworld Episode 3 Review Virtu e Fortuna

Westworld Episode 3 Review: “Virtù e Fortuna”

Westworld Episode 3 Review: “Virtù e Fortuna” Episode 3 of Westworld Season 2 wasn’t filler. “Virtu e Fortuna” is a vital link, the connective tissue that binds the bones Episode 1 with the muscle of Episode 2. This Westworld Deep Dive explores: Who is the woman in The Raj? What...

Westworld Episode 3 Instant Take: “Virtù e Fortuna”

Westworld Episode 3 Instant Take: “Virtù e Fortuna”

Westworld Episode 3 Instant Take: “Virto¹ e Fortuna” Roger returns to the podcast much soberer than the last episode as the Shatty Trio provide their instant thoughts of Episode 3 of Westworld Season 2, “Virto¹ e Fortuna”. The world that Delos created has gotten much larger, and so has our...

Westworld Episode 1 Theories: “Journey into Night”

Westworld Episode 1 Theories: “Journey into Night” Hear Shat on TV listeners’ voice for the first time and catch Kerri Gross reading your emails as we fire up the Season 2 Telegraph with a new voicemail feature. This week’s topics covering Season 2 Episode 1 “Journey into Night” include: Dr....

Westworld Episode 1 Review: "Journey Into Night"

Westworld Episode 1 Review: “Journey Into Night”

Westworld Episode 1 Review: “Journey Into Night” We were so, so wrong. Westworld’s Season 2 premiere, “Journey into Night,” piled layers of mystery atop a mountain of key revelations, and this Deep Dive dissects them all. Explore all the key characters’ motivations: What are Maeve, Dolores, Bernard, Charlotte, and the...

Westworld Episode 1 Instant Take: “Journey Into Night”

Westworld Episode 1 Instant Take: “Journey Into Night” The Westworld Season 2 premiere “Journey into Night” ended 18 months of TV starvation with a buffet of answered questions and explosive action. Hear Big D lay down the quick facts as we prepare for Tuesday’s Deep Dive. This quick Instacast covers...

Westworld Episode 3 Theories: "The Stray"

Westworld Episode 3 Theories: “The Stray”

Westworld Episode 3 Theories: “The Stray” Jump spurs-first into a pool of Westworld viewer mail with the Westworld Telegraph! Think you’ve heard some weird theories? This bonus edition of the podcast gets weirder. Think you noticed every clue there was to see? Not even close. Join Roger Roper, Dick Ebert...

Westworld Episode 3 Review: "The Stray"

Westworld Episode 3 Review: “The Stray”

Westworld Episode 3 Review: “The Stray” A spot of horror, a significant slice of backstory (hey, Arnold!) and a few choice Alice in Wonderland references helped make the third episode of HBO’s Westworld the most satisfying yet. We’re three episodes in and the storylines of Westworld are denser than the...