Tagged: WW-S3E03

Charlotte and Serac

Hey folks, Thank you for the deep dive. Although ‘who the Hale…’ went down a very deep rabbit hole. I would hope that the hosts in the sublime really are beyond being tampered with by Dolores or anyone else. Ashley’s analysis of the poem ‘Keeping things whole’ was excellent, including...

Multiple Simulations

Hey Shat Crew, So in previous seasons we have had multiple timelines. First season we had no idea if the timelines were different which was part of the big mystery. Second season there was time jumping but it wasn’t really part of the big mystery. This Season feels like there...

Who the Hale Is Charlotte?

Guys (and lady), its great to have you back… now get your tin foil hats ready… (you briefly mentioned this on the deep dive, but I want to go into a bit depth) My friend Fraser and I were talking recently about who we think is in Charlottes body and...

Westworld Season 3, Ep 3

Hello Shat Hosts, Love Shat the Movies and that brought me to Shat on TV, especially since I love Watchmen and Westworld. I am not sure if y’all have brought this up before, but I’ve noticed that there is an absence of government. In the first 2 seasons, restricted to...

Multi Charlotte Hales

Hello, I think it’s quite likely that there are at least two Charlotte Hales. It would explain why she seemed unfamiliar with her home situation, which reminds me of the Christian Bale twist in The Prestige. Luke

Westworld – Can Charlotte Be Another Bernard?

Hello, Another great podcast! You make this show much more enjoyable and thanks for al the time that you commit to exploring it and sharing with us. Not trying to unravel the show but since speculation on the true identity of Charlotte was discussed on the podcast, I thought I’d...

Free Will V Sentience

Hi Rita Sue and Bob too, I was very pleased to listen to the Deep Dive this morning and hear your horror at the potential for multiple Charlotte Hales running about. Having finally been able to leave the house after 14 days yesterday, I am feeling a bit more relaxed...

Ashley Versus Rehoboam

College Guidance Professional (CGP): Thank you for coming in today Ashley. I must say I have read your dissertation and it is fantastic. Ashley (AS): Thank you. I am very excited to start my career. I really think I can bring the classics alive for people. Really inspire a new...