Tagged: WW-S3E05

Stubbs/Dolores Copy

Hey guys, I posted something about Stubbs back when we first see him in episode 2 as a host. I thought at first that he might be a plant by Serac, but now I’m beginning to believe that he’s one of the other Dolores copies. Think about it, Dolores knows...

Free Will, Black Sheep, Etc.

Oh another possibility. Rehoboam calculates human future based on human data. But, does it take into account itself? What if human society is fated to be destroyed, if not by the outliers, it would be by Rehoboam? Depending on the genre of a time-travel movie, it’s possible that one needs...

In Defense of Brazil

Hey guys and Ashley! My name is Gabriela and I’ve been a listener of the podcast since season 1. I’ve always tought about sending you an e-mail, but never felt more entitled then this time to comment on something. As a Brazilian watcher of Westworld I couldn’t be more disappointed...

Westworld Episode 305

Hi! Just a few thoughts/questions after watching episode 305 for a second time. Maybe better thinkers than I can figure them out. 1. When did Rehoboam come into being? At the beginning, Serac and Dempsey are talking and Dempsey says there’ve been so many iterations and asks Serac what this...

Westworld Telegraph

Hey guys, A quick question. Why is there zero sense of panic at Insight once the world let’s everyone in on the truth? Is it because those inside Insight saw their profile and looked away because there was nothing for them to worry about? Even if you’re set for life...

Incite Website

“Hey y’all,” I have a couple items. First…In your last episode about Genre, Big D mentioned his suspicions regarding the timing of Caleb’s friends arriving as back up and started wondering aloud if Dolores knows their relationship. He even went so far as to assume Dolores called them. Am I...

Villains, Motives and Marvel Comics

Hi Guys, On the subject of villains and motives, Cirac is quite similar to Magneto from Marvels X-men line of comics (one of the greatest villains ever created). Like Cirac, he was shaped in tragedy (a concentration camp in WWII) and seeing the worst side of human nature he decides...