Tagged: WW-S3E08

Westworld Vintage Cars

I have been binge watching and binge listening to your westworld podcast for 7 weeks now. Thanks covid-19. On season 3 episode 7 Stubbs, bernard and william wind up in a “post nuke town” apparently. There are plenty of vintage cars and the scene is very 60s. In episode 7...

WW Questions

Why would Haloris choose man in black to be her henchman? Nothing against Ed Harris but she could have chosen a much younger larger robot to do her dirty work The amount of dust on Bernard at the end signifies presumably a significant time jump…does that mean caleb’s character is...

Westworld Ep 8

Shat people, great season analysis. A few points. First, where was the “co-host King Bee”? Maybe you can get him in for the award show – we need us some King Bee. Second, yo Ash, you’re a GD professor. “Begging the question” is NOT “raising the question”. That improper logical...


Hey Gang, My wife and I are big fans so thank you for what you guys do! Can you guys get more Westworld designs for t-shirts? Jk.. This Season granted, it’s not the 1st or 2nd season, no. As far as the Holy F*ck aspect. But, it does something completely...

William/Man in Black??

Hey guys! Love your show, I’ve been listening since S1, I really liked this season, I really feel things will come together after next year (or two or three) I’m just a little worried now that they’ve killed off supposed “Human William” will we EVER know his last name?!?! Keep...

Dolores And Maeve Never Left Their Loops

Love your podcast. I started listening to your podcast with Westworld and will miss hearing from the team about the show. Recently I have started listening to Shat at the Movies. Westworld is a great show and I have enjoyed watching all 3 seasons. I will be back for the...

Crisis Theory Simulation Theory

Okay guys greetings from Tampa again. So my theory goes that William is still in a simulation and the whole Stubbs and Bernard are also in that simulation but from a different standpoint you could say that started when either William got pricked by Charlores or when they took his...


Dear Shatketeers, One of the things I love about your podcasts is that you’re all careful observers of the intricate details of the show, but also have fun extending things out into philosophy, movies/books/genres, technology, history, and your own lives. What questions/problems raised by Westworld in Season 3 spill out...