Telegraph: William In Therapy

Westworld Telegraph

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Hi gang,

This telegraph is for Ashley. When you said you didn’t like the group therapy session with all the Williams during the instacast, I was a little surprised because I really liked that part, so on my rewatch, I tried to see where you were coming from…but I didn’t.

Just want to throw out something to consider. I am in the military, and I am sure Big D can relate to the fact that it can be annoying AF when watching military portrayals on movies and TV. It sometimes completely takes me away from the story being told as my brain starts to apply real life to fiction. I don’t care where you are stationed or what war you’re fighting, women are not running around in uniform with their hair down, no 20 year old is going to have a chest full of metals, and in no universes will there ever be a 30 year old 4 star general. It bothers me to no end, but, I have to stop myself from the critiques on the stupidity of the portrayal and remind myself that it’s fiction and the decisions made are more about aesthetics than true to life depictions. (even though it’s super hard to do because there’s literally like a gazillion people out there they could hire to advise them on how the military works and how to properly wear a uniform…but I digress)

You mentioned that you went through treatment before (thanks for sharing that), so it made me think it might be possible that you viewed that scene through the personal experience lens (that I often do) and it took you out of the story. When we see things on screen that we connect with on a personal level, we want them to get it right.

I think when you look at what they were trying to accomplish with this part of Williams story, they handled it brilliantly. We learned about how he portrayed himself as a lonely child with an alcoholic father and omitted the fact that he had violent tendencies even way back then, however, he wasn’t a complete monster, he had legit reasons for fighting the other kid, he just took it too far. I loved how they used the visual of him sitting with each version of himself as a way to confront his past and who he has been up to this point. You can’t hide from yourself and he finally had to face his truth. Imagine being able to go back to a painful moment of your life you haven’t quite let go of yet and physically beat the shit out of it as a way of moving forward. I’d sign up for that in a heartbeat, so I loved how they used the group therapy scene to show us this moment of letting go and moving forward to be this new, better person, by literally killing the past versions of himself. That was one hell of a way to say “bye Felicia” to your past and I think they depicted it perfectly.

They filled us in on his past without getting too deep, and as we watch this new version of William moving forward, we have a clear understanding of where these changes come from and to top it off, they accomplished all of this complex story telling and got us where we needed to be with this new William in a way that is easy to understand.

If I had to point out any downslide to this episode, it would be the horrible limp running Charloris did after she got shot. It took me out of the moment because she looked ridiculous. I also think Tessa tries a little too hard to look like Deloris with her movements. She was very subtle adapting to Deloris in season 2, but for some reason, her mannerisms felt really uncomfortable to me in this episode. She looked like an actor acting, and if you look like your acting, your not doing it right. The jig is up, we know who she is, she doesn’t have to try so hard, but on a positive note, they did a good job with crispy Charloris.

Anyhoo…since you were not a fan of the William scenes, I am curious to know what you would have changed?

I can’t believe there are only 2 more episodes left!!! Thanks for what you cool cats and kittens do!


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1 Response

  1. Ashley Schlafly says:

    I feel like I responded to this well on the Telegraph, but I just wanted to say thanks again for sending it in and for such great content!

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