The GC

Have a Theory? Share It Now!

Gene, Big D and King Bee of House Shat,

Let’s chat about the Golden Company. So lots and lots of people are talking about the importance of these sell swords and their connection to Cersei and how it evens her odds. I’ve had a theory for awhile, though, that was confirmed this week in some way with regard to Gendry and the Baratheon contact made back with Stannis and Davos.

So, as a reminder, Davos and Stannis go to the Iron Bank for support and swords a few season back. While we don’t see it happen, I would argue that Davos signed a contract with the Golden Company on behalf of the last remaining heir of House Baratheon, Stannis. Unfortunately, though, Stannis dies and the contract is void. But stick with me here…

Let’s look at what the show has shown us regarding Davos and especially Gendry. In all aspects, Gendry is a secondary character. He’s important in some ways, but he’s a black smith. Beyond that and his sexy black smithing moves (used to deflowering Arya, of course), is he really that important? Once his King’s blood was taken out to birth Melissandre’s shadow demon, he lost a lot of his character mojo (if we are judging that mojo as importance to the story).

Well, they make a huge deal last season of Davos going and risking his life to go and get Gendry. He goes deep into the heart of the ultimate enemy to grab him and bring him to the cause. Then, this week, they make this big deal about him being made legitimate, and the last remaining heir of House Baratheon.

I would argue that this is because the GC is going to honor the first contract once the heir of Baratheon presents itself.

If that’s too tin foil for you, try this theory on for size. Perhaps , the GC could also flip because of the Targaryan connection with their origin. Their founder was a Targaryan, and I can’t see them fighting against another Targaryan for a Lannister, even if they their swords are supposedly for sale.

That brings me to a final connection/theory. In the books, there is a character called Young Griff. Griff is meant to be the son of Rhagar Targaryan (named Aegon Targaryan) thought to be dead at the hands of the Hound during Robert’s REbellion. I won’t get into much more detail than that because he wasn’t included in the show, but I can see in the book series him being a big pull for the Golden Company’s loyalty.

In the series, we have two confirmed Targaryan’s (Dany and Jon) that the GC could flip for at any time. Further, though, there is one last wow moment that may happen and confirm a fan theory about Lord Varys. Have you noticed that Varys is one of the characters with the least amount of back story? Sure, we know how he became a eunuch, but that’s it. That’s where the tin foil starts where some believe that Lord Varys is a Blackfyre. So who are the Blackfyres? Well, they are a branch of the Targaryen’s who were bastard born. They are the founders of the GC in Essos. The male heirs of the Blackfyre’s are believed to be all deceased, but maybe not. Perhaps Varys is one… he does shave his head after all (which in the books could be important because the Targaryan’s all have such beautiful white hair). Further, he was chosen as the sacrifice in the ritual of blood magic that took his manhood, and king’s blood (or royal blood) is preferred for these kind of things.

I’ll be honest that I think this theory has more weight in the book series (as there is a connection with Little Griff’s father Illyrio), but I think it all makes for some interesting theory making. And with only two episodes left, what’s the fun if we don’t get into a little tin foil, right?

I will say that I would love to see Varys be one of the more important pieces of the story. Maybe he will end up on the throne. I could be okay with that. I do believe him that he’s there for the people- that he wants to prevent his family from doing what the Mad King did all over again. And if the GC turns, for whatever reason, then I think the war is done and the real fight is for who takes the throne after. And that turn I think will happen one way or another.

I can’t promise I won’t write in or call again. But thanks for listening, as always.

-Ash Schlafly

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