The Metrosexual Tech Is a Host! & C.

Westworld Telegraph

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Hello all —

The tech who is working on Maeve tells Charlotte Hale that Maeve is sending commands through the mesh network. When Charlotte grabs the pad from him, she points out that Maeve is doing it right now — we see the tech’s surprised reaction, but it seems (to me) that it could be turning into something else, and the scene ends before we see what happens next.

It seems highly likely that Maeve, having finished her conversation with Akecheta, is ready to get closed up and back into action. The tech who has opened her up (and perhaps plugged her directly into the system) is obviously someone who has a lot of sophisticated understanding of all the mechanics of hosts, the network, etc. How would he *not* see that Maeve is sending messages in that moment, and perhaps controlling him, unless he looks at the iPad and Maeve’s commands “don’t look like anything”?

Given that Charlotte sees it immediately when she takes the pad, and in his somewhat long-winded explanation he doesn’t mention that M. is doing it right now, this seems pretty blatant. My guess is in the next moment, he turns on Charlotte and she splits, then the tech (who I’m going to call the “metrosexual tech” with no judgement or malice) patches Maeve up with Sizemore’s help.

Also, can we crowdsource the timing of when the Ghost Nation parades through Pariah (or elsewhere?) and we see the kids who have dolls that look like the Delos tech suits? The show has indicated that the indigenous characters in the park have some deeper understanding of the “reality” of their situation, or at least the “strays” do… Are those “Delos guy” dolls the result of Akecheta spreading the understanding of their world, or does that indicate some kind of alternative, parallel awakening within the Ghost Nation? If memory serves, the Ghost Nation parade happens during the Young William timeline, but maybe I just remember that because I hadn’t been awakened to the multiple timelines during season 1.

Hope this message looks like something to you. As always thanks for your podcasts!


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